
POLL: Does it make you dreadfully sad when people don't have time for you?

by  |  earlier

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And you're just pushed out of the way, like dirty snow off a busy sidewalk?

Thank you for taking my poll, although truthfully I always thought you were kind of funny-looking.




  1. there is only one person that has the power to make me dreadfully sad if she didnt have time for me..  but that has never happened so i reckon my answer will be no.  

  2. Yes Miss Tublet.  It surely does.  Im glad someone else is feeling rejected.  Sometimes people dismiss me like Im a booger.  I cry.

  3. No- I just seek revenge. Have a big bash- and don't invite them.  :)

  4. i love you, you naked crazy girl from texas.  

  5. By funny-looking you really mean well preserved cougar-y MILF, right?

  6. No see, people are mortified when I don't make time for them. Every time I make plans w/ someone, they always, always happen! Why, because I am the life of the party and awesome to be around!

    Lemme know who dissed you, we can make plans and believe me, they will regret using their shovel on you!

  7. welcome to my world.....

    and thank you for your honesty:).....

  8. No because it's the same for me.

  9. uh huh

  10. You sad child. . .

  11. I know this question was not intended for me, one I am adorable and two my b***s can predict the weather and so i know when it snows and I do not go outside during this time. I do not my nipples to get frost bite. I spend time with you without you and I think it means more that way, dont you?

  12. Yeah it is a sad part which I have grown quite used to throughout the years.

  13. It does make me sad, because quite frankly, I'm so ******* fabulous that everyone should make time for me no matter what they're doing.

    I am kind of funny looking, but it will grow on you after a while.

  14. yes it does, and i'm especially sad when its my friends :(

    but hey, i'll always have time for me :)

  15. 1. Yes, I have. My cousin makes me feel this way the most. We were SO, SO tight before his GF came into the picture...

    2. You're avatar will get you in trouble. I've seen it happen!  

  16. I get happy when people leave me alone.  I'm thinking of becoming a mountain man and only coming down to mate and buy comfortable shoes.

    My mommy thinks I'm good looking and a good lover too!

  17. If it did, I'd be dreadfully sad all the time.

  18. thats never happend to me but I guess it might ....

    love the avatar and truthfully I feel the same about you:)

  19. Yes, it does, but that's the norm for me.  I just get over it.  Yesterday though, my neighbor was nice enough to drop everything on the spur of the moment to come and pick me up at the ER .  I was taken by ambulance, my husband was out of town and I didn't have a ride home. But before all that, I had gone to my regular doctor, as he instructed.  He wanted to examine me next time I got the condition, but they wouldn't let me see him! He "didn't have time for me"  I thought that was rude, barely drove myself to an "out of network" doctor and took an ambulance to the "in network" hospital.  When you go to the ER, as happened last time this flared up,  they make you wait SO long, that by then the pain goes away.  They don't care! But if you go by ambulance, they see you right away! That was my plan! It's really hard for me I guess, but I do get over it.  Oh, and you're funny looking too!  : )

  20. Not really because deep, deep, deep, deep down inside deep of my deep innards, I know that there is a demonic furry and adorable cute bunny rabbit lurking deep inside me that will come to taunt them later, forcing them to have nightmarish dreams about guinea pigs being eaten alive by Sarah Palin and her illegitimate wolverine-hybrid babbies.

    *cries and runs away*

  21. yes damit. and im turning the tables.

    i'll go 'spread my snow' somewhere else.

  22. Yes it does l always have to stop myself from cutting my face with a razor

  23. Yes. I tend to put a lot of effort into things. Therefore, when I am left in the dust it doesn't feel good. I think that a lot of people don't think like that though.

  24. i feel that way all of the time, so i am accustomed to it.

    <----really IS funny-looking

  25. Nope.

    I pretty much despise everyone universally until they give me what I want.

    Who are you to talk, Queen of Irritating Censor Bars...

  26. No.  I really don't like people all that much.

  27. Yes, and sad also,when I don't have the time. But I wouldn't push people away like dirty snow.

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