
POLL: Gordon Brown or David Cameron?

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I know this maybe a difficult choice since both are quite similar but I'd have to go with Gordon Brown. Not because I like him but because David Cameron is worse.




  1. David Cameron!

  2. Neither thanks.

  3. brown but only because i hate the tories and what they stand for

  4. none , how about self destruction ?  

  5. Brown beacause he is improving the NHS

  6. Cameron by a landslide

  7. Neither are up to the job.

    Brown's strength is in planning and strategy, charting a course, when there's no pressure. He's actually extremely good at it. But he is hopeless at the helm, when decisions need to be taken quickly.

    David Cameron is an attractive personality, charming, but still appears shallow. There is a major economic problem in Britain right now - and Cameron and his team have only crticised - they haven't put forward any alternatives. Cameron has had a reasonable amount of time to outline what he stands for - but it hasn't emerged.

    I've never voted Liberal Democrat - but Vince Cable speaks more sense about the economy than any other politician. Why they didn't choose him as their leader is a mystery. He's a star.

  8. Brown, Cameron isn't worth mentioning

  9. gordon brown if i had to choose, david cameron is a moron, he supported the war in iraq then when the **** hit the fan he said i didnt agree with it.  hes a p***y.  I believe that milliband would be a better labour leader though.  brown is to indecisive.

  10. I say David Cameron. He's in my history class, and from what I've seen, he's pretty competent.

  11. David Cameron, I'd rather vote for Gary Glitter or Harold Shipman than  Rubberchops


  13. Gordon Brown. Same reasons.

    Just seeing Cameron popping out to Georgia grandstanding to make a bad situation infinitely worse reminds me too much of Bliar. If you thought Bliar was a poodle, I think Cameron's got a longer tongue for the buttocks of whoever becomes America's next president.  

  14. firstly, THIS COUNTRY HAS GONE 2 WASTE!!! because labor are lying cheating b#stards!!!! cameron should do better!! labour has let all these terrorists in and yobs who no other country will take!!! also i work a farm and labour is treating us like c**p. like every time we start to get a good trade they let out foot and mouth or blue tonge and wipe us out so scotland can make all the money! im sick of the lot of them! what happened to people like churchill and thatcher?

  15. God help us, but Brown's still better than Cameron... which won't make any difference come the next election. Cameron might as well start planning his house move now.

    Rommel... while you are completely right that there are other parties, there are only the two parties suggested and one other capable, possibly, of winning a general election.

    I, however, would quite like to see Cameron take over, because I vote SNP and a Conservative government would hasten Scottish independence while trying to stop it.

  16. why do you presume that those two fools are your only choice? there are quite a few other parties to choose from. that old con trick ""any vote for a party outside the main three is a wasted vote"" is just a ruse to keep you voting the way they want you to vote. take personal responsibility and look at all of the parties manifesto's. it might just open your eyes to some thing that politically inspires you. change can only start with you.

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