
POLL: Have you ever punched someone?

by  |  earlier

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Like i mean completely throwing a punch....

i have




  1. Yes

  2. yup.

    i may not be proud of it...but like u said..they deserved happens...but i havent thrown a punch since. people were suprised cuz i was the little sweeatheart that "doesnt hurt a fly".

  3. yes. when i was in 10th grade i beat the c**p out of this girl. she needed it. she went around talking trash about everyone. and when i found out the kind of trash she started talking about me! i never even talked to this girl before. she didnt know me. i didnt talk to many people for that matter. and i never talked trash about anyone. i was quiet and reserved and really did not appreciate the kind of c**p she was saying about me. so one day at lunch after pumping myself up with some serious thrash metal i went up to her and told her if she had something to say she needed to say it to my face and not talk about me to everyone. she was shocked that i confronted her and then lied so i grabbed her by her hair and started wailing on her face. she ended up on the ground getting a beating. i got iss and she got hurt.  i felt bad because i am not one to beat up people. i dont like to fight and think its completely stupid. but i did.

  4. Nope, I've always been afraid of what would happen to my knuckles... also my dad would kick my as*

  5. wow.  back a few years ago on the old school playground a kid my size just laid the c**p out of my brother.  i ran up, pushed the kid up against the pole and punched him in the mouth.....  it turned out his dad was the commissioner of the ballpark.  figures


  7. surprisingly yes.


  8. that's what i do lol

    but yeah plenty of times

  9. yeh many many many times ;)


  10. yes...  

  11. yeah but not in the face.

  12. Yes, I punched out a bully who took a younger kids bike away from him.  (This also happened when I was in fourth grade.)

  13. Yeah.. *sigh*

    I got suspended :(

    I know I know thumbs down  

  14. YES!!!!!!!!!! <33333333 ^^

  15. yes i have and she deserved it! =p lol!  

  16. Yes, and more than one time in my life

  17. nope. (x

  18. yes the girl she really p.issed me of like everyday she would like try to bully me so i just tried to blank her out but she wouldn't stop annoying me she would just swear at me and call me all these kind of names. but when she pulled my hair that was when i turned around punched in the nose she fell on the floor and i was like GET UP LETS DO THIS then she all like no i don't want to get into trouble I'm like if you ever swear at me or touch me in going to kick your and she left me alone. im not the kind of person to just go around throwing punches around but the girl thought i was too kind to fight back. there was a teacher behind me and i had no idea so i got suspended for hitting her and for making threats.

  19. yes; violence is not always the answer, but most definitely a solution


  20. yes because she was so annoying,and couldn't shut up,and she started it!  ok maybe i did.....

  21. Yep. Sorry.

  22. yes and it was a rush

  23. yeah

  24. yes, when I was a little kid, and my husband a couple times, but not in the face

  25. no but i woulda liked to have... but i burn my negative energy at the gym...  

  26. Yeah, some b*tch a*s kid was making fun of me so I knocked 2 of his teeth out.

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