
POLL: How does it feel to be in your arms ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It feels good.

  2. According to my kids it is love and safety they feel in my arms

  3. snug as a bug in a rug

  4. warm, sheltered, protected...unless Im mad with you..then it would very very dangerous for you lol

  5. Warm & Sweet

  6. It feels fine to me, ( just tried ) but I can't speak for anyone else! lol

  7. It would probably feel pretty g*y to you.

  8. Idk...warm?

  9. Warm and soft.

  10. safe,calm,relaxing,warm and loving Ive been told by my kids and soulmate

  11. ask someone i know.

  12. try it and see, might just be too hot for comfort !

  13. warm and lovely

  14. Warm...

  15. absolutely wonderful.  

  16. Absolutely wonderful!

  17. loved

  18. Warm, I guess.

  19. awkward probably

  20. Safe, because I hug tight. Warm because my body temperature is generally quite high. And most importantly, loved. :)

  21. Pop over for a friendly hug and you will see haha!!   I guess you could say one could lose all their senses.....!!!!

  22. Safe.

  23. I've never had any complaints !

  24. When I hold my Ricky in my arms..he says I make him feel like the most important person and the only person I think of..which is true..He said because I'm curvy..I am warm and cuddly and because he is taller than me, when we hug, I snuggle my face into his chest and he nestles his on my neck..I love him more than music..he's my heart and my strengths..What would I be without him..?

  25. Come and see babe,l am warm, ready, an Waiting for You. (((Hugs)))

  26. Loved.

  27. I don't know, I've never cuddled myslef!!

    Always go to someone I'm close to when I need a cuddle!!

    I would look slightly insane cuddling myself now wouldn't I ?!?!?!?!!??!!!!

  28. Hot

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  29. erm i dont know warm and sometimes unconfortable i fidgit a lot

  30. warm and loved

  31. Like a pillow

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