
POLL: How honest a person are you to yourself ?

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  1. 100%

  2. Totally honest, how can you be dishonest to yourself?

  3. I will tell you I am always honest, but I could be lying.

  4. I am true to myself.



    youre welcomed

  6. Probably about 75% honest with myself.  Sometimes I am harder on myself than others are.  Critical about things that others would think are okay.  And sometimes - I think - I give myself a pass on some things that others would think I should work harder on.

  7. Well I just do my best innit.  The trouble is with self and honesty, you just can't always tell.  We do lie to our selves.  Good question by the way.

  8. i do not see how u can lie to your self.... so i guess i am pretty honest.

  9. Yeah im always honest i think honesty is the best policy

  10. Completely

    "As complete as I can be!"

  11. i try.

  12. In spite of what your other responders think, everyone deceives themselves at one time or another.  Many people do it all the time ... And often people don't even realize they're doing it.  I try to be self aware, but I still catch myself sometimes.  Occasionally I'll do it and know that I'm doing it ... sometimes rationalizing helps us get through the rough spots in life.

  13. Totally honest.

  14. 100% honest with myself.

    I save the lies for other people.

  15. I'd say I'm about 98% honest with myself.  I think we all lie to ourselves a bit every now and then.  It's a defense mechanism--if we didn't have it there are some situations we absolutely couldn't cope with and others we might not even survive.

  16. I only feel comfortable if I'm as honest as possible with myself. sometimes I'm too honest. The naked truth eats me up.

  17. I'm pretty honest to myself. Sometimes I may be a little hard on myself to be honest.

  18. Hard one.....erm i'd say that i was not always honest with myself. I think certain things get repressed in my subconcious, kinda like a natural defence mechanism i think?....

  19. not much point lying to yourself,methinks

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