
POLL: How many pairs of socks do you own?

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POLL: How many pairs of socks do you own?




  1. Four Pairs...   1 black, 1 brown, 1 white athletic pair and 1 kinda tan pair  almost the same shade as my skin   Opps!  Oh wait,  that is my leg...  

    I have 3 pairs....

  2. lots.. I love socks.. like seriously it may be an obsession :)

  3. 36, the dryer has about 4 pairs.

  4. Too many.  

  5. A bajillion...and my husband owns about a bajillion more than that....he has this sock fetish.  LOL

  6. OMG I have a sock thing....I have every colour so that I can match everything I own, plus then there are the cute ones, the ones people give me because they know of this sock thing I have, and then there's the socks from see the list just goes on and on! lol

  7. What??

  8. Too mahny to chount


  10. I buy em at Wal- Mart in those packages of six and I always have a few left when I buy new ones. I'm guessing I have 10 or 12 pair at any given time :)

  11. Thousands. but their all pretty  crappy!lol. They fall apart alot(u know,holes)

  12. Lots!!!! :D

  13. about 9 or 10 pairs of toe socks

    about a bazillion pairs of knee-highs

    and about a trillion pairs of ankle socks

  14. Not that many actually. I regularly have a clear-out, getting rid of all worn-outs, singles & holies.

  15. Hm. Well I always end up with an odd number of socks. So I don't know. Maybe 10? Plus little footies you wear with vans!  

  16. 1234567898765432345678976543456

  17. Way too many clothes in general :)

  18. A bunch, that i never wear.

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