
POLL: How often do you find yourself being able to perceive an idea/concept that...?

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you're not necessarily able to explain to others? ( in Astrology)




  1. yes all the time, especially in astrology. Most of my friends might say "oh hes a aries so he  dislikes a virgo" or something like that.. and i try to say well we each have charts and house of how we interact and sometimes we are first percieved as our rising signs ect. and they i try to further explain it, and they just do not get it. they ask me what are houses and why do we have degrees, and i understand it myself but it has taken me soo long i dont think i can give them an easy answer!

    I have also found this true in philosophy and trying to explain concepts i believe but i feel lots of people just dont get it, and its really hard when theres no one to relate to because you wonder if you are right? or maybe you wonder if other people even think that deeply. I deffinitly find it hard on astrology because when you explain about personlity in astrology there is so much to it, then the sun sign, the chart and even the houses. its just too complex to some up in one sentence lol

    very deep question, thank you.

  2. At least once a day

  3. if your able to "perceive" an idea or concept then you should be able to explain it to others.  You should be able to get your point across in simple lamens terms.  

    The way I see it is if you not able to explain it to others then you don't understand it yourself very clearly.

  4. Especially in astrology because myself I understand it all so clearly in my head and I see it and it makes perfect sense and all, but when i try to put it into words for other people they just don't get it.  Well you got to understand to that they need an open mind and the time that we have put into figuring all the astrology planets, houses, signs stuff out.  Most people only know what THEIR own sign means and when you try to tell them they also have moon signs and mars signs that's all neat but to tell them it's in a different zodiac sign they have no idea the qualities of the other signs so it still makes no sense from the get frustrating!!!

  5. Regardless of what is said above, just because I understand something, it doesn't mean the person I am explaining it to will get it the first time.

    Yes, there are some things that need a couple of explanations to finally clarify... but eventually I succeed. The trick is to find different metaphors to compare stuff to...

  6. ALL THE TIME ON Y/A! often here on Y/A I get the impression that most do not understand what I am trying to get across! lol....especially in specific categories (cough, R&S, cough, Philosophy) try to use simple and basic words so it would be easier to understand but I think some may be offended by

    It's funny because I feel I can explain my point better if it is written rather than spoken...but there is still a lot of confusion and misunderstanding from time to

    In astrology...I only know the basics so my explanations are pretty simple and I haven't had these kind of issues of confusion on this particular topic , here on Y/A....

    ;) far as I!



  7. Astrology is language of symbols.  The interpretation of those symbols can vary greatly from person to person.   That is why it is sooo important to learn the basics.  If you can combine the basics, you can read a chart.  It is that simple.  I think when it comes to basic chart reading people try to make it harder than it actually is.  The beginners because they don't know any better.  The self-appointed experts (the ones that are insecure)  by implying that they have secret knowledge that they can't share with just anyone and so they don't even really answer astrology questions here. lol

    I think I am capable of explaining the strange ideas I come up with.  However, I don't necessarily explain them when I ask a question because I want others input without my influencing them.  Sometimes I will explain in such a way that almost anyone can answer like in my current Pisces-Virgo question.  

    I think I have most of the incoherent babblers block because I don't what their nonsense in my questions.   They either don't understand or don't bother understanding what anyone else is saying most of the time anyway.

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