
POLL: How thoughtful are you to other people that you make contact with ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. erm..

  2. Very thoughtful...

  3. quite i think, unless im in a very unsociable mood which isnt very often

  4. I try to be very thoughtful and show appreciation to those in my life, whether it be  friends here on Yahoo, or in my outside life. It's my nature to be a thoughtful  person and I appreciate that characteristic in others as well.  

  5. I Try to be..........

  6. Very thoughtfully

  7. I hope I am perceived as thoughtful since I really do try to be.

  8. Always!!! Unless these take advantage of my thoughtfulness or genuine welcome. If that happens -  I either abandon the person, explaining why...and if they have further problems understanding why I no longer consider them at all, thoughtfulness-deserving...I make certain I leave them fully understanding what I require and expect as reciprocal behaviour. Should that not be there, Why would I want the misery which I'd encounter in their company???

  9. Very thoughtful, i was brought up to be that way...

  10. I do try to be thoughtful & caring & do think have a warm have some of my lovely contacts on here.......I do like helping others and been there for them as makes me feel good if I can do that.....In life in general yes I would consider myself to be thoughful and caring.......

  11. Very, i often give them best answer...mostly because they are intelligent.


  12. Very thoughtful

  13. I have a pretty big heart to share laughter with and to wipe away tears and give a hug and listen when they need to be heard.  

    (( HUGS ))  My friend. You have a amazing heart. xx Sug

  14. I guess I'm thoughtful. When I see they've asked a question that I'm familiar with I'll answer it. I only give them best answer when they really have a good answer. One of my contacts is apparently in love with me, so he answers my questions by asking me to marry him or saying "I don't know but I love you." Now that's pretty thoughtful.

  15. completely thoughtless ask my bf

  16. I always make sure I say hi to my contacts at least once a week and am always there if they need a shoulder to cry on x

  17. Quite thoughtful.

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