
POLL: I feel Islam has truly liberated me as a woman because...?

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... it tells me to wear hijab, and by me wearing hijab I don't become a slave to my own nafs where I spend hours and hours on making myself look good for all the wrong reasons, and so doesn't prevent me from getting on with the more important things in life.

Poll for Muslim sisters - name one reason how you personally feel Islam has liberated you as a woman.

May Allah bless you all xx

Brothers can answer aswell if they want.




  1. I am curious.

    How can wearing a hijab make you feel liberated?

    It would make me feel stifled, or as if I had something to hide.

    How can making yourself look good be bad ?

    It is only bad to narrow-minded people.

  2. hmmmmmmmm.

  3. As a non-muslim i'd like to comend you on your beliefs but i must ask an honest question  by which i mean no offence but how is it you feel liberated as you have to wear something that creates a barrier between you and the world? Isn't to be liberated having choices? I mean no offence to your religio at all am just curios.

    Thank you for your answer i appreciate an honest non-judgemental opinion. I am curious about your religion and i respect the value that you put on your faith. Please note it's always helpfull when someone of faith is understanding enough to give others an honest answer. Thankyou

  4. I feel Islam has truly liberated me as a woman because...?

    - I don't have to work and have a career to support me and my husband and kids, Islam has lifted this responsibility from me. I can chill at home and concentrate on other things that may be more important to me, while the husband is the one who has to earn the moneys.

  5. Islam not only liberates woman but it liberates the human soul. Helping one to understand its purpose and to understand oneself in this world.

    On the topic of Hijab, Humdulillah that you feel liberated in making the CHOICE to wear Hijab. Not all Muslim woman are there yet. But true guidance comes from the inside and should reflect on the outside. Hence covering ones self. And that goes for men and woman. But not all Muslim men are there yet either.

    For me I apologize but I can not fully answer your question. It seems as though your questions topic turned into Hijab. And Hijab does not make or break me. Guidance is given to the heart from the Almighty. And one of Allahs commands is to cover your body and lower your veils. So whatever I find out the Quran says I swiftly obey, InshaAllah.

    Due to my lack of knowledge of Quran all I can do is try my BESTEST in this world to show Allah that I am trying to show forth gratitude in all my actions.


  6. well I must say for me as a 15 yr old girl hijab is not important at all I don't really care if a boy looks at my hair.why should I restrict myself because of the stuff ancient people used to write in quran?why should I keep myself hungry so that I can deeply understand how poor may feel?while I speak persian,why am I supposed to pray in difficult arabic words.and why should I feel so far and uncomfortable from my god if he has created me? I just wanna be comfortable.

  7. I am with you all the way.  Hijab has liberated me to no ends.  It takes away the competition between women (when it is done correctly and simply), women like you so much more covered because there is no threat!

    Men treat you with such respect, it is amazing.

  8. I don't agree with you about the hijab, because usually you have to iron the hijab, which takes more time than brushing your hair.

    I like Islam because I enjoy the family lifestyle and I like being able to tell a guy if he wants a second date with me we have to get married.  

  9. I totally agree with you sister! I plan on wearing hijab, starting Ramadan, right now I am just "practicing," wearing it here and there to get a feel for it. I like not having to worry about my looks, because dressing and acting modest is beautiful in of itself.

    Islam has liberated me from the desires and material wants of this dunya by making me focus on carrying out good deeds and my duties as a muslim (salat, fasting, charity etc). I feel so pure and good when I do things with the intention of pleasing Allah swt, and I receive contentment by knowing that I am doing something that God wants me to do! Islam only guides you to a better life, and I never have a question about who I am or how I should act with society because I already know: I am a muslim and proud of it :) !!!  

  10. Yes, Islam has liberated me as a woman.

    I still remember the time, when  I used to be buried alive in Arabia

    The walls of my house would cry, when I would born

    When the false ego of my father, would see no limit

    My mother would feel embarrassed as if she has given birth to a snake

    Those who had nurtured me with their blood, would want to kill me

    The hatred they had from my very being, would surpass their natural love

    Being a woman was the biggest sin, all the oppressions were meant for me

    This sin was never fogiven, I used to get punishment all my life

    Here comes the Mercy for the whole World (sa), and becomes my supporter

    I was also considered as a human, he (sa) liberated me from all the oppressions

    Invoke durood on that benefactor, hundreds of times aday

    Pure is Muhmmad Mustafa, head of all th prophets

  11. Sorry for the very long answer, but I think that there are many things that we need to define first. Thanks “Hanna B” for your nice reply and I hope mine will answer your questions.

    From the answers I had read, it seems that everyone has his own predefined point of view. There are two extremes, either against or with Hijab. So lets study the reasons of each team and check which is more suitable for our life as human beings.

    For the anti-hijab team they say that:

    1- Hijab is a barrier that prevents women from interacting with their world.

    2- Women has the right to show their beauty and wear what they like.

    3- Wearing Hijab is very difficult and time consuming.

    4- It is not suitable for hot weather.

    For Hijab supporters they say that:

    1- It is a religious command that they must follow.

    2- Hijab librated them.

    3- It protects them from strangers’ eyes.

    4- It preserves them only for their husbands.

    To be able to judge the two points of views we have to answer the following:

    1- Who are we?

    2- What is Hijab?

    3- Is Hijab an obstacle or a pushing ahead force to our life

    Who are we???

    Simply the answer is “We are humans. We are not angels”. In other words, each one of us has his own good and bad side. Also we can’t deny that s*x is a very strong desire inside us. We need to tame this desire in order not to destroy our life when misusaged. One of the well known strategies is to stop the sources that awake the beast inside us. No one can deny that woman beauty is one of her greatest weapons. It is a lethal weapon with men. Even among the most well behaving and respected persons, a beautiful woman has a charming effect. Look at the eyes of a group of men when they see a beautiful woman and tell me what you see. If you can see what they are thinking of, you will have much more things to say :-)

    What is Hijab???

    From the first sight, we can say it is a scarf that covers the head and a dress that doesn’t show the body’s parts. This can be the physical definition. In fact, it is much more than this. It is a behavior as well. A woman wearing Hijab must be a symbol of a real Muslim. This can be noticed in her way of thinking, talking, behavior, working, etc… in every aspect of her life, with her family, neighbors, colleagues, children, etc…

    Is Hijab an obstacle in our life???

    Real life experiments showed that many women who wear Hijab had proven themselves in different fields (i.e. engineering, medicine, policy, etc…) even as athletes (unfortunately they are forced not to join international competition because they have to take off their Hijab to join the games, so they refuse), so it is not an obstacle to interact with the surroundings and community.

    Hijab doesn’t need previous preparations before wearing it. Consider the time consumed by women not wearing Hijab. They need to iron clothes, makeup, hair removal, hair dresser, etc… It is obvious that non-Hijab women need much more time to prepare themselves for going out (I think this can be an obstacle between her and her daily duties). If hot weather is a reason for refusing Hijab, so why do women wear short skirts and short bodies that show their stomach in cold countries? Doesn’t this contradict with the temperature rule??? It is a matter of getting used on wearing certain clothes in certain temperatures. So, you can wear long sleeves of light textile in hot weather.

    If women insist on showing their beauty and sometimes their body parts, so they must accept the consequences of being gazed (directly or indirectly) or physically abused by others.

    Is Hijab a pushing ahead force to our life???

    If we considered that Hijab is a way of protecting women from external abuse, so we can say it can give her the push to work safely without any troubles. In addition, the feeling that she is obeying her religious commands gives her the intensive to work more.

    In other words, Hijab librated women by giving them the opportunity to live in a safe, appropriate, and comfortable environment.

  12. ...... It introduces me to a lot of great Muslim women like Aisha, Khadija, Fatima, Sumaya bint al khayat ( I defo spelt that wrong but she was the 1st female martyr) etc. that I can look up to and try to emulate. I can try to imitate their faith, patience, bravery and self respect. If I can just have an ounce of their perseverence I know I can succeed in life.

  13. I do agree that every one's believe is influence on how they are raised and how they are taught by their surroundings...if you feel liberated by hearing a hijab GOOD for U but it doesnt mean that if other muslim women or western women dont wear it doesnt make them less of a liberated woman or simply a respected woman. All women are the same a religion is just there to stereotype... I believe that all women are the same and religion just washes your brain to make you think that you are better or that you are special...

    may allah bless you

    may jesus crist bless you

    may buddha bless you

    there is no difference its just a BELIEVE...


  14. in  hot weather,  the  hijab  makes  u  perspire  unduly  causing  BO& all  kinds  of  jokes that  muslims  r  dirty& dont  bathe daily

  15. When someone has a jewel or any precious item one always treats it with great respect and protects it against any loss. One may even build a special place to keep it or place it in a vault for security. Perhaps one may even hire a guard to insure that it will not be stolen. These things are most obvious to all of us and nothing here seems strange at all.

    By the way, someone may say, 'Why do we compare women to jewels and pearls? Doesn't this sound as describing women as objects or mere possessions in this world?'

    In reply to that, I say: Comparing women to jewels and pearls doesn't mean that women are mere objects or worldly possessions. The intended item or object here is what the woman possesses, as mentioned by Allah in His Book. Allah is ordering us to tell the believing woman to lower her gaze and to protect her, guard her private parts and protect her chastity. She is being well advised by her father, brother, husband, son and all of us, to cover herself.

    Somehow we have been deluded into thinking that women exhibiting their beauty in front of others and men encouraging this is warranted. Many large corporations protect their shareholders from losses while at the same time producing cosmetics, jewelry and clothing that do exactly the opposite for our ladies. Money and vain desires are the primary reasons for this type of exploitation in the world today.

    It should be that we would be asking the question: 'Why are women exposed in public in a way that men do not even see them in the privacy of your home?' The problem today is that society is so far away from the basic concepts of moral and correct behavior that was originally ordained by the Almighty Lord of the Universe (Allah). As each year passes, we see more and more deviation away from the proper attire and behavior in public. Fashion designers, cosmetic companies and women’s magazines make huge fortunes selling the poor beguiled women on the idea of presenting themselves as if on display in a market for others to stare at them and then decide how they 'rate.'

    So actually, Islam has been preserving the correct and proper dress code, not only for ladies, but for men as well. In addition to defining the proper attire for the sexes, Islam also carefully instructs both men and women on how to behave toward each other. For instance the Qur’an tells us in surat An-Nur in verses 30 and 31 exactly how to act in the presence of the opposite s*x: (Tell the believing men to LOWER THEIR GAZE…) And then (Tell the believing women to LOWER THEIR GAZE…)

    So, immediately we understand that it is more than just the clothing that is desired. It is the proper respect and behavior of the two sexes toward each other at all times. Keep in mind that Islam is not just another religion. Islam (Total Surrender, Submission, Obedience, Sincerity and Peace with Allah) is for all people, in all places and in all times.

    Thanks for your good question and may Allah guide us all to the truth, Amen.

  16. some muslims dont wear hijabs and people who wear hijabs still wear make-up anyways. so whats the point

  17. How can you say that wearing a hijab makes you feel liberated? why would a god create you only to have you hide away, you should be making youself look good for you. Liberation comes from the self ano from a god. Does this mean you look down on those women who do what you say you don´t?

  18. This is for the answerers, not the asker:

    If ONE more person says hijaab is a barrier for women I'm going to go insane. HOW IS COVERING YOUR HAIR A BARRIER? What? My hair makes me human? What if go bald? Are you saying a HAT is a barrier? You can't talk to someone in a hat? You can? So why not a hijaab? It's a muslimah's choice and Inshallah more will soon see the light....I do not look down on muslimahs that don't wear and I would appreciate it if they would not look down on me.

    Show some respect and stop judging what you don't understand.

    Ignorance is NOT bliss.

    Wasalaam Alaikum sis.

  19. If Islam is all about adhering to many rules and regulations, and "when" you don't live up to them, and you are full of worry that you are going to h**l............,

    Then that is not liberation, that is living in bondage in my opinion!

  20. I feel that by covering like a crow, I am telling men that I am a human being and righteous God fearing person, not a s*x toy for strange men to s***w(pardon the pun) and lust after.  It also takes of me having to worry about stupid stuff like what I'll wear every day and messing with my hair and makeup(Which I never did or will ever wear or do).  I believe that I get more respect(well more fear in reality in the USA) from Muslim brothers and Muslim women.  Yes wearing Niqab and Abaya and Hijab can get hot, but the fires of h**l are hotter.  It's a small price for me to pay to one day Insha ALLAH get into Jinnah when I die.  I'm also trying to set an example for my 8 year old sister even though I'm forbidden from seeing her or my 6 year old brother by my mother and stepfather, and it's hard because the USA doesn't give siblings visitation rights.  I hope that by covering like a crow, perhaps I might inspire my 8 year old sister to feel good about her body and want to cover modestly and perhaps that will help lead her to Islam.  I'm also setting an example for my 6 year old brother, in teaching him, that looks don't matter, and that he should respect women, not treat them like s*x toys or playthings.

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