
POLL If Aliens visited the earth would they be hostile or peaceful ?

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My own view is that we compare alien intelligence with our own limited intelligence and experiences here on earth and it is very foolish of us to think that an alien life form who probably has the pick of planets in multiple galaxies would be at all interested in wasting energy trying to eliminate mankind or be hostile in any shape or form .

What are your thoughts ?




  1. both i reckon they would be an upside down version of us :D

  2. I don't think they would be hostile bcoz aliens capable of making such incredible interstellar travels will definitely be never out of resources bcoz there will be plenty of it out there and no need to salvage it from this tiny blue planet. However the ultimate wealth is knowledge. So their curiosity about an alien planet and such rich and complicated ecosystem, and abundance of life on it and evolution of human species into the dominant species of the planet is quite understandable. So why wouldn't they try to capture and conduct experiments on us?

    Remember those frogs you dissected alive on your bio-lab?

  3. we will not know because they will take one look at the state of this planet.and go back to were they are from.LOL

  4. I'm sure that if the Incas bothered to contemplate alien invasion they would assume that anyone who could cross the uncrossable ocean must be very powerful, wise, and benevolent.  They would have been wrong on all 3.  Religious insanity is possible with any culture.  I've seen speculation that the annihilation of other species makes good sense.  Eventually races will come into competition and warfare.  It may make good sense to dispose of all competition before it can offer a threat.  In the words of Duncan McCloud:  "There can be only one"

  5. I think they'd be kindof friendly and want to share resources with us..aww..that's sweet lol

  6. they're coming in 2010

  7. If they thought they could take over they would.

  8. hmm, really intresting question. yes, i agree with you, they might be peaceful

  9. hostile....

    When Magellan went to "visit" The Philippines what happened there? They took over the country for 400 years

    When the settlers went to "visit" the new world what happened to the Red Indians? These people who call themselves American are still occupying their land and called the land of the free...

    look for more of these "visits" and you'll understand... that if there are such beings and they are to come over here for a visit... they will see our beautiful planet ..... they will come down here with such force and conquer the living daylight out of us.

    and our intelligence is not limited (maybe yours is)

    you don't even know if aliens exist and you are making such statement.

  10. I am with you AHY MAN!!

    And why would they just want to kill us. If you were in their shoes what would you do? Humm??

    Well I would h**l with everything and be very interested to meet them and look into their technology. I would help them, surely they would help me. By the way I am telling you this in my view of me as the Alien. Just put your self in their shoes.


    I have researched the Billy Meier UFO Contact information, about the Plejarens for the past 5 years --- and have taken an interest in UFOs, etc for the past 30 years...

    I do think the Plejaren information is worth taking note of.

    There is a DVD titled "The Silent Revolution of Truth" which presents the evidence for the Billy Meier contacts for the beginner to this information. This information is at various sites, etc around the internet - and it is simply all on the one DVD..

    There is a great deal of information to absorb.

    In a special questions and answers to Billy Meier - the information is given about UFO contactees, etc which prove to be false. And the few genuine contacts are mentioned also.

    Sadly there is some information still kept secret - which even the Plejarens themselves have not permitted themselves to speak up about - about Roswell and other such controversial incidents... However, they do seem to talk around it.. and even this little extra information may shed a little more light on those incidents?

    Note - according to the above information - from the Plejarens - there has been a deliberate campaign to present aliens as being hostile to earth humans, to instil fear into us. So as to allow weapons to be used in space - supposedly for the alien threat (but really to be used against ourselves).

    As to whether there has been hostile activity to us, from aliens --- I don't think there's been any case that has suggested that...

    But once mankind goes to other solar systems - aliens would not be friendly towards hostile humans who invade their space - acting in a belligerent and unfriendly manner.

    Our own history on planet earth - does not show that the human race is peaceful and cooperative, etc etc.

  12. i think it would probably depend on us ... if extraterrestrials were confirmed and were hovering over earth in their mother ship... and every one started to panic, well that could look like a threat to aliens(after all we don't know how they would think)

    on the other hand if we successfully make contact we could form some kind of trade system and be an alliance.

    i think most likely if "they" were watching us they would ignore us scince we are already at war with ourselves and decapitating people over religions that may not even exist.

  13. tis i! space t**d! from the planet bog! we come in piece

  14. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    "Aliens" coming to a sky near you soon!

    These "aliens" will be peaceful until 2012.

    Many will be fooled...

  15. Hostile because they would be like animals, afraid of everything. It also depends on how big or small they are!!! Small creatures raun and hide like squirrels, while bigger creatures like lions attack.

  16. Well, think about if we came onto mars...... we would kill them then send them back to our planet then dissect them. they probably would do that to us.

  17. I believe that if Aliens visited Earth they would observe us to determine the level of our intelligence. Because they have the means to visit us over vast distances we must accept that their intelligence and technology is superior to ours. Hostility and fighting, to settle differences, is a sign of low intelligence. Unfortunately this still occurs here on Earth. I think, therefore, that they would try to raise our intelligence and introduce us to new technologies. There is a very high probability that any beings from another planet, because of different conditions on their planet, would not be identical in appearance to us.

    This would raise the question of what God looks like, us or them. We are taught that we are made in the image of God. To meet intelligent creatures that don't resemble our image of God would throw into doubt religious teachings. As religion has been the cause of more wars, persecution and terrorism on this Earth, then may be the coming of Aliens would bring peace to the World. Roll on.

  18. I think that they would be like us in a way. Even for them, it might be hard to travel through the cosmos. Today, people are trying to find out if there's life out there, but I'm pretty sure that if we found something, we would be wanting to examine and learn more about what we found. Aliens would also be wanting to examine our planet and study us, basically. Having said this, I think that they would rather learn about their findings rather than wanting to destroy us for no reason. We can even share valuable knowledge.

  19. Peaceful right up to the moment we messed it up. I take us in the reverse role, for my thinking. If we ever make it to another planet and encounter alien life it is unlikely we will be looking to make war. But we have historically proven ourselves to be limited in the scope of our understanding for that which we have never encountered before. At the first sign of aggression or perceived aggression we would most likely attack.

    So if the first set of aliens to visit us are in anyway like us, I can see it going that way. Since not the entire population would welcome them. They would need to be very passive and I don't think that is the type of creature that can ever make to space.

  20. peaceful. they wouldn't be hostile, because hostile equals stupid, and stupid aliens wouldn't have the brains to build a spaceship that can travel to another star system.

    the popular gray 'aliens' are quite hostile though, but they don't come from other planets, they are some kind of "demons".

  21. peaceful i hope lol xx

  22. IDK>>Ask my sister.

  23. It depends on why they showed up.  Interstellar travel is, well, astronomically expensive.  If they made it all the way here, perhaps encouraged by the oxygen clearly visible in our atmosphere, they might want to colonize, and we'd be using up resources they might want.  Or they might want the planet to be slightly colder and disagree with our current policy to turn Earth into Venus with a runaway greenhouse effect.

    Or, they might be friendly.  They'll be way smarter than us, and they'll be much farther from their evolutionary predator background than we are, and so be nicer.

    You want all my thoughts?  I can't type that fast.

  24. peaceful

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