
POLL If a random person walked up to you and asked if you wanted a piggy back ride what would you say?

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They are a random person you never met them befor

they walk up and out of the clear blue and ask if you want a piggy back ride

Do you say yes and jump or say no and walk away fast as possible

And were would you let them give you a ride too if you said yes

And star if you love to laugh




  1. Sure, I'd tell 'em, I'll take that piggyback ride! (as I make sure the sharpened screwdriver under my jacket is still in place) He he he!!! (Of course, if it we're YOU, Captain Filly, I'd blow off the screwdriver part.) And, by the way, let me off at the tattoo shop.

  2. I'd say, get away from me you creep!!*

  3. i would say no and run

    and i wouldnt give u a piggyback ride u are too fat - it says so in your name lol

  4. YES., ahahahahah.

    but, no, you can`t ride on my back ;l

  5. Um I would say no and walk away...

  6. im pretty sure i would laugh histarically and walk away. lmao.


  7. No and run away

  8. lol. h**l YEA!!!!! then i would push him to the ground, nick his wallet then run down the street screaming RAPE!!

  9. Piggy back no way...

    Leapfrog, we may be talking there.

  10. I'd run away.

  11. no

  12. I'd say "not from you" laugh a little, and walk away. I wouldn't give a stranger a ride

  13. sure!  l0l

  14. It really depends on how tired I was and if I had much further to go.  If I was tired and only had a few feet to go, I would say yes.  But in return, I'm not so sure.  I may run and hide to avoid you at all cost to avoid giving you a piggy back ride though

    Have a good evening

  15. id say, no.  

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