
POLL: In what ways does being a vegetarian affect your body?

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POLL: In what ways does being a vegetarian affect your body?




  1. you f**t and p**p more.. at least thats something i noticed

    you veggies know what i mean don't deny it

  2. my body is amazing! I've been a vegetarian for 4 years. (i'm 18 now) My measurements are 36, 23, 36! i have the flattest stomach in the world! I'm 115lbs and 5'6". (I come from a family that suffers from obesity) I know my amazing body is because of being a vegetarian and i'm proud of it! I get all the right nutrients without the antibiotics and hormones that are in meat! My hair is long and shiney with no dead ends! I used to suffer from acne and now i have flawless skin! (my skin cleared up about 3 months after becoming a vegetarian)

  3. Meat is an excellent source of protein which is needed to grow and be healthy.

  4. Personally, I am way healthier and feel more energized. Except I  gained 5 pounds! :[

  5. Well, since I became a vegetarian I have noticed increased energy, my voice is clearer with little to no Flem (gross I know, but dairy causes heavy Flem production) I am no where near heavy in weight, in fact I am a size 2/4. I feel better physically, morally and ethically. My skin is clear and I dont get breakouts anymore, my hair seems healthier and I even sleep better!

  6. Generally it makes you healthier I believe.

  7. Mostly good changes:

    1. I can taste things a lot better, as time went on.

    2. Cravings for meat subsided after one week.

    3. I have more energy, and feel less lethargic.

    4. I started craving for fresh raw vegetables, like salads, which I didn't like before. (although I don't think I'll ever be able to go raw vegan.)

    5. I lost 5 pounds (that I was never able to lose) after a month of going vegetarian, then another 5 pounds when I went vegan.

    6. I feel much more calm and aware.

    7. I never get pimples anymore.

    8. My acid reflux and IBS symptoms disappeared almost completely. (except when I drink alcohol.)

    One thing I noticed though, is for the first few days of going vegetarian I craved for meat, but the thought of cute little chicks being raised in factory farms as seen in Baraka ( ) helped me fight the cravings. After almost a week of meatless meals, cravings faded away completely. To tell you the truth, now I don't even like the smell of barbecued meat.

    Also in the beginning, I didn't care so much for tofu, but now, I love the taste of tofu! But yeah, meat is an acquired taste.

    For more tips on becoming vegetarian, please refer to How to become a veggie!:

  8. its true..most meat eaters have flabby beer bellies and a pizza face. like me..

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