
POLL: In your opinion what is the problem with todays world?

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  1. A complete and total lack of appreciation...virtually across the board.

  2. greedy! greedy! greedy! People in power are going crazy for money, they are willingly to destroy a country for oil which brings in the money. They send thier own men to do the job. Also, i believe there is A LOT of ignorance about the worlds problems which creates more problems.

  3. the illuminati and credit...

    but its needed if we are to advance as a race

    the illuminati are the ones who created the modern banking system and it is causing pointless wars

    Fast food, cheap products and alot of free credit has given people the feeling that they are something great when their not and creates a species that only thinks of themselves...

    this corrupt system will destroy us

  4. Materialism.

  5. I think the problem of today's world is Materialism.

    People care so much about wealth and possessions and they forget that when we die we leave all our riches behind. When people love material things, it can lead to greed and jealousy. People begin to hurt people just because they want something. Having material possessions is alright but when we make them the most important thing in our life, that's not right. We think having money makes us happy but when the money is gone we lose our happiness and become depressed and this can lead to other things.

  6. People, do I really have to explain, is it not a bit obvious

  7. Closed mindedness and moral superiority.

  8. Our soul is frozen in ice!

    Everything else derives from this "little" problem...

  9. People. We are the problem and we probably always will be.

  10. Hippies.

  11. Hatred and fear caused by greed and ignorance. A lack of communication causes barriers and hate is the by product. Hate fuels division and warfare and intolerance within the home and family, socially and globally.

    Destroying the selfishness and increasing considerate sensitivity with a love born of understanding is the cure.

  12. Here is an example:

    My Father in Law, honest to god, cut up an old hose he was throwing away so that nobody could take it out of his trash and have it!

    Honestly, I see greed as a big problem.  It shocks me what people will do for money.  It shocks me even more to see that wealth to most is measured not by what they have,but what they have that others don't.   My in-laws would eat their own children for a buck.  I see kids dropped off in daycares by wealthy parents who don't even observe what is happening in that daycare.  I tried to take my daugther to a few and every time upon observing the day, I pulled her out.  

    People ask me, between european vacations and trips to best buy, how we can afford for me to stay home.  PLEASE!  I also see so many mcmansions with countless empty bedrooms while their old parents or aunts and uncles are living in basement apartments!  I find it appalling that childcare workers and nursing home attendants have the lowest pay, while manicurists and pilates teachers are raking it in.  It hurts me to see it and I get sad and feel alone and defeated.

  13. nationalism:

    without nationalism and blind patriotism, there won't be any warring countries in this world.


    paranoid governments. That is why every country has armies. If all the armies of the world were to be dissolved, we will see the end of war as we know it.


    religion being used and twisted to suit some people's designs is a major problem. Look at all the wars throughout history that have been the result of religion and religious hatred. It seems like a war between Islam and Christianity is pending...

    greed & selfishness:

    this is a dog-eat-dog world where if you snooze, you loose. It's all about money. Money this, money that. If people cared more for others then there wouldn't be poverty in this world. The whole world produces enough food to feed 30 billion people; we are only 6 billion, yet a billion people go to bed hungry. Starvation is only too real


    Having too many children is also a subtle form of selfishness. Look at where overpopulation is getting us. Too many people are putting a strain on the earth's resources.

    and the list can go on and on...

    hate, racism, xenophobia, religious intolerance, ignorance, poverty, war--it goes on and on and on...

  14. I wish these were actually my words, but alas I have to quote the late, and great, Mythologist Joseph Campbell who said (in regard to the same question), "It's GREAT, just the way it is!"

  15. Poverty and poor education, they are the root of world problem. And comes the next, people have lost their own and fellows' identity as a noble living creature

  16. The selfish quest for gold.... The almighty dollar.....which causes envy and lack of trust in our fellow man.

  17. 'World Problems' can be clearly defined by a genius named Darwin and an idiot named Marx.

    Life is an energy machine that replicates.

    The driving force of life is self interest or selfishness.

    Nature is the competition between these machines.

    The 'Theory of Evolution'/'Nature of Life' is that life will exponentially grow to the limits of available energy.  I.e. it will overpopulate.   Then it will compete for the energy and/or develop new sources of energy.   The fittest will survive, and the unfit will have PROBLEMS.

    Now a big time strategy for life is collectivism.   Lifeforms form groups - like couples, herds, packs, tribes or nations.

    Now the more complex the group, the more complex the 'group rules' or morals.   So Religion evolves to create/enforce a moral code.  The more complex the group, the more complex the energy exchanges.  So money and banking evolve.

    Man THINKS he has risen above nature, but there is no above.  We ARE material and hence materialistic.   The Darwinian game is just the nature of life; we remain life so the rules remain the same.

    From Darwin's view, there is no problem.   The fittest survive, the game continues.  Billions die, but it has always been so.

    So the only 'Problem' life has is how to stay on top of the survival list.

    And what puts & keeps you on top is the simple Darwinian awareness that you get more of what you reward.   Reward merit, you get more merit.  Reward need, you get more need.

    So the biggest problem facing the first world is Socialism/Marxism.  And not the external stuff.  Marxism punishes merit and rewards need.   Marxism thinks Religion causes wars, when it only helps you win wars.    Marxism thinks selfishness is evil & collectivism is good, when selfishness is the basis for collectivism.

    Marxism is how you lose the Darwinian game.  

    You win the game by being anti-defeat, not anti-war.

    You win by selling the best fishing gear, not by handing out fish.

    Sure we grow enough food to feed everyone.   But what is the point in feeding people who aren't smart enough to grow their own food?  Seriously, what do you think that gets you?

    This world has no real problems.   Ethical Capitalists will dominate.  Socialists will moan forever how the nature of life is somehow wrong.

  18. Superstition, ignorance, and Global Warming.

    The first two are combined. Rather than being zealous defenders of position A or B, we should all relish debate, explore, be curious, and enjoy the opportunity of discovery.

    And above all, it is the method of discovery that should be scrutinized before the resulting belief even needs to be touched, or shouted about. So far, the majority of people do not do this. There are sound methods of investigating our world, and while they cannot judge the relative 'value' of a Shakespeare sonnet to a ballet step, they can produce theories of harmonics, disease, gravity, light, and d**n near everything. I am always shocked to see these dismissed as trivial accidents or boring footnotes to the development of Prozac.

  19. Denial of reality.  

    One example is the entitlement mentality.   If you think someone else owes you anything just because you exist, you are denying the reality that not only does no one owe you anything, they'll be happy to take what you do have while you're waiting for the delivery of what you're owed.

    Another is the nature of government, which is force.  People deny reality and ignore the fact that to enforce their entitlements, it is necessary to use force on other people, and this capacity for force can be turned on themselves without warning.

    I could go on, but I suspect that's quite enough to get some thumbs downs from some of the folks I'm talking about.

  20. Everything. Everything is wrong. People are savagely killing each other. People are stupid and ignorant. People are killing themselves. People are killing families. We are killing the earth. We are ignoring problems faced by several things. Ergg!!

  21. Lost of trust. Nobody trusts nobody no more. Everybody suspects what the other is up to. The Americans don't trust the Russians. And you think the Russians trust the Americans ? The Christians don't trust the Muslims. The Muslims don't trust the Christians. And so everybody puts up barriers (literally and metaphorically), builds up their defences, pokes up fire here and there and sits back to watch the fun, and so on and so forth. Every country would like its army to be most powerful in the world. That is why America is so wary about other countries acquiring nuclear weapons. Having nuclear weapons itself is perfectly alright.

  22. non-christian excuses for taking pleasure!

  23. Poverty and lack of financing will never end in its catastrophe in the world.

    As sudden big changes take places to make tremendous effect, Whether be of climate or economic state of every country in the whole world.

    Hunger is one of the foremost main reasons of chaos leading to destructiveness to others. There the financing is such into a devastating consequences of wars and uncontrollable climate disasters too. So leaders in every nation should take part into its proper cautions as well as to act in order to facilitate broader perspective to a better solution of development and progress. As well as of great protection.

  24. Lack of perfection-no utopia.

  25. Actually, it should not be "what is the problem" but "what are the problems" with today's world, because there isn't any one single problem in today's world due to which all the people in the entire world are suffering from miseries and sufferings but there are a whole lot of problems with which we need to deal with. I think the main problem with today's world is unawareness. Unawareness about the realities of life among the general masses of people. This one basic cause is responsible for all the rest of the miseries and sufferings of life which are all in fact the after effects and off shots of the basic wrongness of unawareness. One can go on writing a list of the wrongnesses of today's world and can go on writing an essay on the problems with today's world. But the basic need is to remove the wrongness of unawareness. If this particular wrongness is removed from today's world upto the required amount, then we can surely hope for a better world for all of us to live in. I hope I am right.

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