
POLL: Long Island????

by Guest44614  |  earlier

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hey i live in long island i was just just curious, what do you think about long island? What do you think the people are like and our lifestyle? I was just see how your ideas differ from mine. ty




  1. People see us as "ignorant/rude" because we are "rich".

    And btw, after California, L.I has the best looking girls. =]

    Yeah, yeah we are conceited. But why not?

  2. I have relatives who live there... it's a pretty place, enough... but MY GAWD the TAXES, prices, etc.!! The traffic... no thanks!  Wyoming is my home now.

    I'm not opinionated, I'm just ALWAYS RIGHT!

  3. I'm from Westchester, really nearby. Yorktown if you've ever heard of it. My opinion on you guys is that you're sick at bball and lacrosse, and have a lot of money, and fake ghetto kids. Pretty much the same thing that people say about us haha.

  4. Rad, so rad.

  5. Tha kid answered mine!! Dont let out..conceited!

  6. i never been there

  7. I have no opinion on LI myself, but it was purchased by the Dutch in 1640 from the Corchaug tribe...

  8. Not a big fan of New York in general.

  9. ive never been there so idk

  10. i'm from long island NY..idk if thats were you're talking about, if it is theni  think it's pretty effing expensive, but awesome.

    yeah im from hicksville..not bad, you from long beach? island park or lido? i have friends who live up there, pretty sick right off the coast...katelynn from Y!A if ya seen her around, shes from LB lives a block from the coast.

    oh nd i'm gonna have to agree with tha kid...

  11. Never been.  Never plan to go.  I assume they are city folk.  I am a country folk.

  12. I'm from Long Island. It's the best place to live, there's nowhere better.  
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