
POLL: On a scale of 1 to 10, how big is your ego?

by  |  earlier

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1 being you have not ego; 10 being your ego is HUGE!

I'm a 3.5. I don't have a huge ego. I mean, I know I look relatively okay, but I have no real ego. My friend Ryan (the muscle guy -- Grrr has seen pics of him) on the other hand, has a HUGE ego.




  1. -1 here.

    I have no ego.

    A few people that have seen pictures of me, think I am amazing.

    I on the other hand, Do not.

  2. I'm a 3.  I think I'm cute, but know I have room for improvement.

  3. I's thinks it's a 2..

    Just a little bit.

    No one has seen pictures of me. (Or at least I hope not! O.O) lol

  4. 10.  i'm all ego.  come and get me.  i'm unbelievably fabulous AND i hate myself.  i'm the smartest person i know and even i know i'm pretty stupid.  i'm a terrible judge of character but i criticise everyone.  it's lonely in here but it's better than the alternative.

  5. "I know I look relatively okay" -- I know you look relatively awesome! ;)

    However, I think I'm confident, but I don't think I have a very big ego... I'd rate myself a 2 to a 4, personally, although I think my friends would probably be able to tell me more about that than I could.

    I don't think I'm very attractive at all, though. I'm really plain, and average, I suppose.

  6. -23 or so.  I kind of think I'm a piece of $hit.

  7. a 2 :)

  8. 2.

    I'm trying to transcend the ego right now.

  9. about 1

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