
POLL: On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are you at spotting trolls/multiple personalities?

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1 being NOT good, you can't spot them at all; 10 being you EASILY can spot the trolls/multiple personalities - new accounts

I'm an 8.5

I can usually spot a new multiple right away. (I'm not talking the usual trolls here. Just the bitter ugly ones.)




  1. 7.75

    I can usually tell the differences between the real Tara J, and the clone (ehem).

    But sometimes, I really don't get it...after all, the real trolls are experts!

    Although I have caught around 4 users who were using different accounts under different user names in order to Cheat and Troll.

    One of them was actually doing it for attention!

    He said that he is 18....but his posts were always like a 14 year old.

    He used to IM me all the time, and in no way he sounded like an adult!

    I mean, why will an 18 year old get married to guy and immediately go to Paris for honeymoon, and then adopt a baby?


    I caught him...and he confessed that he was 14.

    But yes...there are others too, and I can usually tell who is who...but I didn't know about one of them until yesterday.



    I can't agree with Squirrel more!

    After all, no one can master Tara J's style...not even Tara J herself. lol


    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  2. it's  funny because most are a dead give away! they usually make those accounts so that they can play on real peoples emotions in a cyber sense. I think they are easy to spot if you are looking for them. I'd say I am a 5 because I too can be fooled into believing someone I never met is a certain personality of someone I do not know. however, I am a 1 when it's someone trying to troll me! I always can tell if someone is trying to take my personality. I am like none other, and would love to see someone try and fill my shoes properly.....but, it hasen't been done yet! I bet it's the same for you right? everyone is diffrent in one way or another and trying to duplicate that is hard to do! lol

  3. I'm about where you are.  Most of them seem to attend the same school, so it's not that difficult.

  4. LOL, I'm gonna say I'm a -5!  I suck at spotting them.

  5. 10.  If it's a regular you get to know their writing style & question types.  When someone clones them, they NEVER do it right!!  :@)

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