
POLL/SURVEY!!!!!! Would you...?

by  |  earlier

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would you go out with a girl if she: had black brown,asain, loves animals, is smart, is cute , is in shape , and in the middle between tom boy and girl girl, is honest, is relyable, has faith, can trust, is nice/shy , and of course single?.




  1. Exactly what part am I supposed to contemplate?

  2. nope im straight

  3. if i were a boy yes!

  4. sounds bomb except for the loves animals part. Im not too much into Beastiality ... nah jk  

  5. Were I a guy, I would.

  6. sure if i was a dude.

  7. ya

  8. i think you just described me :)

  9. if i was a guy i'd rather a confident outgoing personality, other than that YEAH =]

  10. of course i would you are almost perfect in my point of veiw

  11. you are vain.

  12. yep

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