
POLL: Since so many of you denied Christ previously; Are you then prepared for the coming of the Anti-Christ?

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POLL: Since so many of you denied Christ previously; Are you then prepared for the coming of the Anti-Christ?




  1. Some say there is no Christ.  Believing there is would mean trying to treat others with respect and love.  Even if you don't believe in Christ,  if we all did this, here would be a much better place to be.  So what have you got to lose.

    Based on this alone it's best if:

    One lives as if there is Christ, die and find out there isn't than to live as if there isn't, die and find out there is.

    Thank God for Jesus, I am a believer so I am prepared for the next Anti-Christ or THE Anti-Christ.

    Be Blessed

  2. I don't deny Him, but do you mean preparing for Obama?

  3. i am, sucks for the unbelievers, just tell god your sorry, thats all it takes

  4. are you serious?

  5. i haven't denied christ

  6. I`m not scared of christ or the anti-christ. Easter bunny and the tooth fairy don`t scare me either.  

  7. God is my one true Father, the creator of Earth and all things seen and unseen.  As long as my faith is real and truth I don't have to worry about the Christ.

    Peace & Love.  :)

  8. the what

  9. It's really sad that so many have denied Christ in what is becoming fast a selfish and secular world isn't it?  I myself love the Lord and trust Him as a Christian.

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