
POLL: Stuck In Something?

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What are you stuck in?

For me, I am and will always be stuck in the 80s!




  1. i'm stuck in my house

  2. Denial

  3. I am stuck in the eighties too.  

  4. i am stuck in the mud at the moment

  5. a rut

  6. 1944.

  7. nothing now!

  8. Stuck in this life.  

  9. Life

  10. In between reality and fiction

    bout like a CSI-TwilightZone thing

  11. LOVE

  12. stuck on this computer

  13. i am stuck in thinking that everyone is nice.

  14. i am stuck in....2 seconds ago

  15. This'll sound wierd, but I'm sorta stuck in the real olden days of China and Japan.  I don't know, something about it is just really cool to me.  The practices, the arts, the setting and environment... I love every last bit of it.

    Can't you tell by the mask? :)

  16. That's what she said.

  17. in the 90,s

  18. work

  19. haha, cute, Drew! Me, I'm stuck in limbo. Trying to hang on to a relationship in which I don't know if the other half wants to...I know I want it, and that's all I know right now. :( Everyone else tells me to let it go, but until I hear it from him, well...hence, my head, heart,--all stuck in limbo.

  20. im stuck in a cheese sandwhich with elelphants singing Y M C A

  21. I am stuck in the Medieval times

  22. A Small rodent.

  23. stuck in my tower.  romeo romeo, where the bloody heck r u?

  24. The middle with you and cheesy Drive-in Fodder B-Movies.

  25. I am stuck in writing an essay for my ap english class :(

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