
POLL: Subway or Quiznos?

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  1. Subway! For some reason I find it delicious and healthy at the same time. Quiznos is good, but I don't feel that "healthy" taste when I'm done.

  2. definitely subway

  3. Subway, quiznos don't cook food all the way through.

  4. I like subway for the meat portions, both have toasted subs if you want but i like quizno's flatbread pizza's. both are decent. but if it came down to one i choose quizno's.

  5. Quiznos.

    Subways subs don't look like anything special.

  6. Subway!

  7. Quizno's may be a little higher, but it tastes much better than Subway.  Hands down, it's Quizno's!

  8. Quizno's by far.  Subway smells like feet.

  9. quiznos, except i really like veggie sandwiches at subway, and subway is cheaper.

  10. Subway is better than Quiznos, but Philly Cheese Steak is the best...

  11. subway! I've never been to quiznos...

  12. subway ....all the way

  13. the bourbon chicken

  14. I like both.. but quiznos is to far away from where i live so i usually eat subway

  15. SUBWAY.i think i might get one tomorrow


  17. subway, quiznos is a rip off.  also the people who work there are miserable.  the subs at quiznos are nasty and leave a bad after taste in your mouth.  subway is fresh and filling

  18. Both leave a lot to be desired try John Smith's , Firehouse, or even a local independent shop.

  19. Subway...quiznos is always too salty.

  20. Subway

  21. SUBWAY!!! cos i never heard of Quiznos! but subway tastes niccer probably!

  22. Quiznos, it taste better.

  23. Subway...I hate that toasted c**p at quiznos

  24. I like Subway for the customizability (I might have made that up) of the sandwiches. Quiznos base ingredients I think have a better taste and probably a little better quality (more seasonings ect)

    But Subway wins in my book because of Sweet Onion Chicken Teryaki on Honey Oat...and I can have black olives on it.

  25. subway is much heathier but Quiznos rocks.  Probably why Subway introduced their new toasted subs lol  Trying to keep up with Quiznos

  26. SUBWAY!  I've worked there forever.  I eat Subway about everyday.  Even though I work there, the food NEVER gets old to me.

  27. ive never had quiznos so idk.

    but subway is pretty good.

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