
POLL: What came first, the chicken or the egg?

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to scotland rocker-- its just a fun question.. if you dont like it, dont answer it




  1. I think the egg because dinosaurs laid them, and they evolved before chickens.

  2. do u know?

  3. The egg came first. Most likely a dinosaur egg experienced some unknown mutation and was born a hybrid-chicken. Then more eggs hatched as chickens, etc.

  4. The egg. A creature one day laid an egg with a genetic mutation, which then formed the new species - chicken.

  5. Chicken. it evolved from another creature and eventually it became a proper chicken and laid an egg

  6. Actually, you can picture this as a paradox, because an egg is required for a chicken, and a chicken is required for an egg. Technical though, you can argue that the egg came before the chicken because dinosaurs laid eggs before chickens even came into the picture.

    Hope this helps!

  7. does it matter?

  8. First chicken that was, came with egg already inside

  9. egg

  10. This is about the millionth time this question has been asked on YA.  The answer is simple:  The chicken came first, as it was God's creation.  Even an evolutionist will tell you that the chicken came first!

    Hope this helps!

  11. CHICKEN !!!

  12. I know this question. The answer is both. If I say the chicken, u will say where did it come from. Then, I'll say the egg, so u will say how did hatch, or where did it come from? Good question. A star!

  13. chicken- the chicken needed to make the egg


    egg- chicken hatched from the egg


  14. the chicken evolved from another similar animal and kept reproducing. so in conclusion....the chicken

  15. CHICKEN!!

  16. the egg from a dinosaur

  17. the answer is simple it all depends on what you believe in.

    A) are you an evolutionist, someone who believes all the living things came into the world by evolving

    B) are you a creationist, someone who believes that all the living creatures in the world was created by God

    C) none of the above

    i have the answers whether you are A or B or C

    The answer to A is if you are an evolutionist, the egg came first because two different animals something a bit bigger and something a bit smaller or something with feathers something with fur or whatever but they're different mated and created an egg which later became known as the "chicken" egg meaning the egg came first for you people who believed in A

    The answer to B is the chicken because if you think that God created all living things and beings meaning that the chicken the goat the dog, everything else was created by God. Yes this is a shorter answer but without this there is no truly complete answer.

    The answer to C can be either chicken or egg it depends, some people would say egg first because you get egg for breakfast and chicken for lunch/dinner. Others would say chicken because in the question, technically, they said chicken before they said egg.

    so this is the all time ultimate answer to the all time ultimate question: Which came first the chicken or the egg?

    Solved by me, a thirteen year old who goes by the name of: dabomb

  18. chicken because the chicken laid the egg

  19. The chicken came before the egg.

  20. THE CHICKEN... God never created eggs nor babies. He created full grown animals and human beings to pro-create.

  21. The chicken came first because eggs dont have any reproductive organs and so dont have s*x

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