
POLL: What do you see when you look deep within your heart?

by  |  earlier

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  1. A lot of love to offer someone special;,kindness,unbiased and non judgmental,Honest.....

  2. a deep, black hole

  3. screws and nutbolts and plasters and glue ..........

    lots of glue

    love and kindness and mercy too

  4. my heart is black and i wear it on my sleeve for everyone to see. when i look into it i see the pain and suffering from so much and how much i have fought in my life just to be happy. now im fully happy the dark lingers on the outskirts waiting to spring itself on me but that will never happen again. now i see the love i have given and recieved and how much i can do now that the darkness has surrendered for a while, i can fully be me.

  5. Lots of love for a very Special Guy,,l am gonna love You Forever Phil.xx

  6. A lonely boy looking to meet someone special.

  7. If only i had xray vision.

  8. A wonderful life with my wonderful wife

  9. righteousness, but its buried under alota $hit

  10. darkness v. light all the time, a lil bit of pride and jealousy

  11. Ice.

  12. blood pumping around

  13. A little bit of fear, afraid of opening my heart as used to been alone but think would like someone special to share my life, but makes me anxious it does make a person vulnerable when open their heart.......but to never open your heart again seems very sad really.......

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