
POLL: What emotion confuses you the most in your life ?

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  1. anxiety

  2. Love, anger, disappointment, shock, I feel I always have to question why I'm feeling these things

  3. Love totally does!!

  4. Shyness

  5. fear- it can make u do things tht u do not want to do ( it makes me faint)

  6. laughing

    some times i laugh in the ight and can't stop i just get hyper over a scene or advert where i see people laughing like the hsbc advert...

  7. Love, but not to be confused with lust though

  8. Fear  It will freeze me, make me run, make me cry.  So many different reactions to one basic emotion is very confusing.  

  9. Anger

  10. HATRED! If everyone would give a little more of themselves we could eliminate this.

  11. HATRED.....I don't understand how/why a person can live like that. When a person's heart becomes so black that all they can see or feel is hatred all around them.....That is pure desperation.....

  12. 1.  Anger.  I hate when I lose it, that is, yell and it is like words come rushing out of my mouth.  I am in the helping profession, but when I am stressed out or exhausted, I find myself losing my patience.  I hate it about myself.

    2.  Fear.  I don't like being a chickensh**.  I don't always see it is fear, but when I avoid something, I don't like it.

  13. love, sadness, anger. i try to analyze those and see where they come from, why i feel this way.

  14. Fear does as usually is our own fears stopping us doing things we really want to do........If you think really deeply then why can't we control our own fears, thoughts about fears and overcome them easily as it is ourselves stopping ourselves.......if that makes sense...........Thankfully have overcome most of mine but we all have out little things in life I guess that we need to have to tell us yours now also as we have been so honest. No thank you as always..... :))

  15. Anger, it would be. Because I have a very fierce anger, and sometimes it gets away from my control, and I'll use my words of protest or disapproval as if they were blades which would shear into nothing but shreds others' emotions.

    I am quick to react f I feel I have been wronged, and take no time in lessening the returned cut from throat to pubis.

    The few who know me well, and these are few indeed sometimes seem to visibly wither if my anger turns into a Giant storm.

    But it is difficult to contain any of my emotions. I seem to be fated to live at both ends and through the in-between of my emotional spectrum.

  16. shock ...  

  17. Not just one.

    But when something sudden happens, I have a mixture of them and I feel quite confused.

  18. love

  19. Fear/panic.  When my mom got hurt really bad and I had to call the ambulance, I couldn't remember our address or phone number when I needed it the most!

  20. I'm not so much confused by a specific emotion. I get more confused (ponder/wonder) on how others minds work.  For me emotions are full of uselessness.

  21. love, it ends up bringing out the best and worst in you so connects to most other emotions! x*x

  22. the fact that some people love to love.

  23. Hate

  24. Jealousy is a confusing emotion- but we learn to control it.

    Frankie Laine---- " Jealousy"

    Please Listen To These Words.

  25. Anger. I can't think straight when I'm p***ed off.

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