
POLL: What is your favorite animal and why?

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Guys: Please say you are A GUY before you write your response and Girls: Please say you are A GIRL before you write your response. REMEMBER: It does not have to be just a house pet that you choose from. It can be anything from a Rhino to a Hippo to a Kangaroo to Piranha. Thanks!!!!




  1. guy:a tiger is my favorite because they're fast and look really cool

  2. Girl:

    Ferret...always make me laugh. They know when I'm upset, They follow me anywhere, when they cuddle with you they stay there for hours just because they love you. I wouldn't even be with out one

  3. GIRL: Cat because I go where I want and do what I want!

  4. um... okay that is really... weird but uh... GIRL: and my favorite animal is an Eagle. They are so beautiful and so free.

  5. My dog !!!!

    Very loyal, never cheats on me , never lies and most of all

    listens to me .

    JUst adorable

  6. guy: hamster because there easy to take care of there lots of fun and there cool.

  7. I'm a girl sorta obvious from my picture and also my favorite animalS are frogs!! I love rain forest frogs.

  8. GIRL:I think that the favorite animal of mine should be the dog!I love the dog because a dog is a very nice,smart,cute,and a lot more but they are just too cute and that is why I love the dog and also because there is a lot of type of dogs!!!!

  9. Girl: HORSES, they are spirited and strong! :)

  10. GIRL: A turtle. Idk why. They are just cool. But Dogs are RIGHT next to them. Cause dogs are companions. And They will love you no matter what. you can play w/ them talk to them. Walk them. They are amazing :]

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