
POLL: What person in your life blinds you with lies and false promises ???

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  1. No one

  2. My boss but that is an inside joke we laugh about  

  3. yourself.. we do it all the time to are self's

  4. my boss..

  5. My mother.


  6. thats easy, the devil.

  7. My own family members above anyone else.

    Their punishment is to humour me by either ignoring what I say, attempt to discuss.

    I used to be very hurt by this. Now I feel rather sorry they are doing to themselves much more damage than it is tried done to me.

    I fear sometimes, that in a crucial moment of revelation, it will be too late for any amends to be rectified. Rather their ill treatment to me will engulf them within a quagmire of moving sands. And if I were there to see this, I'd help rescue every single one of them, but as things are progressing I'll not be there...I'll be very far away, by then, not looking back. That's rather sad, Phil, do you not think so???

  8. Any ( honourable! ) member of parliament.

  9. it's not a person, however, it's a device numerous persons use to try and communicate one side conversations with me.

    The Television.

  10. my brother...however, he is very lovable!

  11. it used to be myself- but after awhile i learned to be honest with myself about things and love who i am  

  12. A person not worth mentioning...

  13. My older sister, so I have severed all contact with her.

  14. What sort of POLL question is that? A slightly retarded one? Apologies for answering my own questions, but you are a div.

  15. My soul mate us to until I put a stop to it.  

  16. me

  17. No one at this time and I am sure will not be there in the future.  In the past however, it was a different story. My first husband was a habitual liar and one lie was a cover for the last one.   A person who lives this way is best left alone, and if one is in a relationship with such a person, remember one thing.   You cannot change another you can only change yourself.  Meaning, get out of such an environment and get on with your life.  

  18. My best friend

  19. no-one - they died! But they taught me how to recognise a liar and false promiser.

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