
POLL: When did someone last make you feel special in your life ?

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  1. Today

  2. My partner makes me feel special every minute of the day. Even when he's not here, his texts make me feel like i'm worth something.

    My kids make me feel special everytime I see them. The most precious things in my life!

  3. this morning.

  4. 10  minutes ago when my love was planning our wedding !

  5. my contacts are always making me feel special x

  6. At the weekend

  7. Always

  8. Last Night, -- You Phil, l Love You So Much babe. (((Phil)))

  9. 7 years ago

  10. Apart from my daughter, who likes to make me things and buy me things. well no-one else bothers in this house, and that includes my husband. in fact it's that long ago I can't remember. Yet he still wants his nuptuals, well he can s*d off.

  11. My boyfriend - last night, and throughout yesterday too. I don't live with him and only see him on weekends. If he were with me right now, he'd be making me feel pretty d**n special (as usual :).. I'm the luckiest woman ever x*x

  12. Last week...

  13. yesterday when the guy i like said he would come to my party

    i need some help


  14. The people around me do it everyday.

  15. never

  16. My husband makes me feel special all the time, he is so thoughtful and caring..

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