
POLL: When did you last beat someone at a game of chess ???

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  1. On Yahoo! Games this morning.

  2. Two weeks ago I beat my son-in-law, but I guess it doesn't really count because he is just learning.  The last time I beat a real opponent was about a year ago.  I'm not a great player.  I don't win a lot of games, nor do I play very often.  Bridge and scrabble are my games.

  3. Today ;)

  4. Last week

  5. I've never won a game. The first game I ever played was a draw.  

  6. Never ,I dont play chess.

  7. Not sure exactly when but less than a month ago(no, that doesn't mean I'm bad at the game or anything, just that I haven't played in a while).

  8. Honestly, I have never played a game of chess...I'm sure I'd loose though, if I did!

  9. never played..

  10. When l Beat Your ***

  11. Last Week.

  12. Today i beat someone.

    I play everyday at least 3-4 games a day.  

  13. years ago..

  14. 01/08/2008     21:00Hrs

  15. three years ago, and I won against my lttle sister, lol.

  16. Never! I can't play.

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