
POLL: When did you last eat pizza?

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Thank you very much for all your answers..have a fabulous weekend. :-)




  1. Today at school, but it was the nasty looking pizza!

  2. 1 week 6 days ago...we ordered pizza and it was YUMMY! :)

  3. I eat pizza 1 or 2 times a week on average. You just can't beat Philly pizza, its impossible.

  4. Made my own about 3 weeks ago and it still gave a 32 year old heart burn!  I'm getting old.

  5. few weeks ago. was thinking to have another slice today

  6. yesterday, well, i ate  the tiniest bit ever but i guess it still counts. Ya it's cuz i got braces so i can't eat hard foods like that :D

    (but the pizza taunted me sitting on the table)


  7. Yesterday.

  8. yesterday, and I dont know why, I dont even like it.

  9. lol i just had pizza yesterday night for supper at science camp, which i went with meh school. it was the best pizza ever yyuumm xD

  10. yesterday. my company made us attend a big long group meeting and I guess this was the cheapest way to feed us. it was Dominoes.

  11. Several years ago. I can't stand it. Every time I get pizza I get in to much of a hurry to eat it, then I burn my tongue on the still hot cheese and I can't taste the rest of the pizza.

  12. mexican pizza bangs

  13. December

  14. Yesterday for lunch.  It was a Supreme from Pizza Hut.

  15. Yesterday, (it was cheese and tomato) with a large salad, garlic bread and coleslaw, delicious!

  16. Yesterday.




  17. 1 hour and 15 mintues ago.

  18. Tonight.

  19. yesterday

  20. thursday night for supper

    friday afternoon after school for lunch/supper

  21. Ummmmmm........................ The day before yesterday, I had it cold for breakfast! It was disgusting though

  22. last week.. Totino's popped it in the oven, sprinkled it with some hot sauce... it was yummy. Think I might get me some Papa John's tonight...... mmmmm pizza!! :-P

  23. Must be early last year i think. There are 3 pizzarias within 3 minutes walk from my front door.

  24. Like a very long time ago beleive it or not.. i dont like pizza.(:

  25. day before yesterday

  26. real pizza was about 2 weeks ago.

    I had a lean cuisine pizza yesterday for lunch, and as always it was not as good... =(

  27. Supper last night! Pepperoni ... yum!!

  28. two days ago. It was pepperoni actually very tasty.

  29. I ate Pizza last Saturday

  30. think a couple weeks ago, but it was the frozen kind, the last real pizza was end of march in New York, the best!

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