
POLL: When did you last go on a boat trip ?

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  1. Just got in about 2 hours ago.  Going out again in the morning at 10am

  2. Last Sailing trip was August of 2000, a weekend cruise-out from Redwood City (PYC) to Petaluma... and then helping my brother take his boat to storage in Oakland.

    My last blue-ocean trip would have been 1999 aboard the USS John Stennis.

  3. in june of this year while on holiday,and it was really enjoyable.x.

  4. Two weeks ago got back from a month long sailing trip to SW Ireland.

    Had a bit of a beating getting there in strong winds but there were many quiet places to visit and the Irish people are very friendly, it was a delight.  

  5. still on mine, it has been 26 years now and still going and loving everyday

  6. Last month I went to England by ferry.  

  7. This past weekend and every chance I get! It's tough to live 8 minutes from the marina!

  8. last september,a cruise round the med,going again very shortly.

  9. 4 months ago

  10. 5 years ago, i went to Dublin by Boat, then Drove up to Belfast after getting lost in Dublin...

  11. when i was about 15

  12. Last Summer

    It was a 'Curryoake' night on a barge (a friend's birthday)

    The company was good and the food was okay

    (the karaoke part was awful though)

    the best bit was standing outside on the very small bit at the front of the boat

    there wasn't much light but there was just loads of life going on on the riverbanks

    in silhouette

    like a waking dream

    a courting couple

    a group of lads daring each other to swim

    the boy scouts on some adventure

    2 girls having an argument

    a lone man and his dog

    and the moon was out

    (sorry I was too tired to finish last night :)

    like i was saying

    the moon was out from time to time and the silouhettes would be picked out in glints of white

    i can't remember why i started to tell you this so i don't know how to finish it lol

    but thanks for the memory

  13. Last long trip was 2 years ago from West Palm Beach, FL to Marsh Harbor,  Great Abaco island.  Took a very leisurely 5 days to get there, spending a couple of days offshore at Great Sale Cay and Allens-Pennsicola Cay.  Over the next several weeks we visited 13 different islands before returning to West Palm Beach.

  14. I live aboard> 2 weeks ago>

  15. I went boating last week end with my son and Hubby. I went on a cruise last March.

  16. About six hours ago. And again in another six hours. Seattle to Victoria to Seattle to Victoria to Seattle...

  17. 3 months ago in Turkey with all the lads on the lash, happy days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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