
POLL: When did you last go on a fishing trip ???

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  1. 2 weeks ago, best fishing trip i've had in ages  

  2. i have my own boat, so i mostely go twice a month,  

  3. about 6 years ago

  4. Just Got Back From It! - 4am - 10 am


  5. This past weekend.

  6. when i was little

    i wont fish now

    i wont kill fishies

    ima vegetarian


  7. Last sunday

  8. six days ago and am planning on going fishing tomorrow.

  9. Last Sunday with my boyfriend. Although it was more like a fishing day trip. We plan on going on a real one in September!

  10. 30 years ago.

  11. Not on a trip exactly but I have fished many times this year, usually of the rocks at Player Flamenca Spain

  12. On a long fishing trip that was just over a month ago.

  13. Last tourney was July 19th, '08...and I'm heading out today for more fishing. Got to love days off! :)

  14. 3 weeks ago

  15. 10 years ago

  16. I've been on a road trip to rescue a video tape.

  17. 5 years ago , its been to long  

  18. yesterday - Lake Cuyamaca in the rain...

  19. i work offshore 2 weeks on 3 weeks off

    i fish every day weather permitting when i,m home.

    so, today, got in at about 7 pm and have just finished the filleting and now relaxing with glass/bottle of vino rouge

  20. Well I've never actually been on a fishing "trip" where you trek half-way across the country to drop a line. I don't have a boat, so we haven't taken the time to do that.

    We do go fishing quite regularly though. When the weather is right for fishing, then we tend to go out two to three times a week at least. We plan on going out in the morning and on Sunday morning too.

    We have driven as far as 50 miles to go fishing on a different lake, but I wouldn't qualify that as a fishing "trip." Since we have a decent one here in our hometown, we tend to stay home anyway. We are traveling 30 miles in the morning to try for something different though. I'm just glad we have three pretty big lakes with GREAT fishing within 50 miles of our house though. It's wonderful.

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