
POLL: When did you last see a shooting star ???

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  1. a few days ago.

  2. 5th grade, almost 10 years ago and that was the first and last time I saw one.

  3. never i  dont think shooting star are real  

  4. Are you kidding?  You did follow me.

    I saw several of them this weekend while I was away at the mountains!

  5. Yesterday whilst crossing a bridge, looking for a rainbow

  6. Yesterday

  7. Last night.

  8. They are St Stephens Comets l believe. Over Malaga Spain Every August, Last year l saw them it was on internet too.Lol

  9. about two weeks ago.they are few and far between .

  10. The last time (and the first time) i saw a shooting star was a few weeks ago on my friends birthday, we had just came back from having a meal, and we was all sitting in the garden and i saw it and i cried, because i have never seen a shooting star before!


  11. About 2 weeks ago, during evening meditation in the park

  12. JUST NOW :) !!

  13. never, except on tv

  14. november

  15. Early hours of Sunday morning in Turkey.

  16. last year i seen 2

  17. I dont remember when i saw what i saw!! but i did make wishes.

  18. i've seen a meteor shower but not an actual shooting star.

  19. this year, during a meteor shower

  20. When i was 9. i want to see another one soon. i have many wishes i want granted

  21. I have never seen on except on TV

  22. never

  23. Couple days ago

  24. Just a couple of nights ago, right after the eclipse.

    Not that they were related.  Hundreds of "shooting starts" happen every ngith, but we miss most of them.

  25. ummm when me and my girlfriend hooked up...about a month and 15 days ago

  26. When I was 4. I wished My dog would have puppies and a week later she did. We dont know how cause we kept her inside alone.

  27. I last saw a shooting star three years ago.

  28. about a year ago. it was green!

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