
POLL: When did you last take a 10 mile hike into the mountains ???

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  1. If Offa's d**e counts as a mountain, last weekend! Otherwise, a few weeks ago when I did Scafell!

  2. About three years ago!

  3. Lol. Today.

  4. NEVER

  5. Last Thursday I got very wet

  6. There is nothing that I enjoy more than a nice long hike into and UP a mountain.  However, with two little ones (2 and 8months) it has been difficult to do lately.  Last time was about 2.5 years ago.  My wife and I went to the White Mountains while she was 6 months pregnant - we did twelve miles!  Good for her!

  7. Last year

  8. Never have.

  9. 5 months back

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