
POLL: Who do you love in this world with all your heart?

by Guest56302  |  earlier

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  1. My amazing boyfriend!!!

  2. My Dog

  3. My parents

  4. John

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  5. my daughter

  6. My parents...

  7. my husband and my sister

  8. My Family - My husband, my son and daughter.  Not a day goes by without me telling them just how much I love them, well, as close as words can describe.

  9. My two last remaining puss cats.

    When these have gone to cat heaven there will be no more as I become increasingly aware of my own mortality.  Life will seem very lonely then, since all my family have died or emigrated.

  10. My mum and my boyfriend :) x*x

  11. My 15 month old boy.

  12. My Children!

  13. my children

    my mum

    my soulmate

    my best friends

    my dog and myself

  14. Everyone that i know! :D Even you! :P xx

  15. I love the Lord

    I love my beautiful wife

    with all my being

  16. My daughter and Simon Robey will have my heart for ever.

  17. My husband and family and my pets.

  18. my wife and two kids

  19. My 3 children

  20. My Girlfriend  

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