
POLL: Your Life?

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1. If someone made a movie about you, what would you call it?

2. Describe your life in 3 words.

3. Would you say you're contented with how you're life's going?

5. What is your number one goal in life?

6. What do you think is missing in your life?

7. If you were to thank one person (other than God -- I know that would be a common answer), who would it be?




  1. 1. Perspective: One man's view on every man's world


    3.YES ... but change is what makes us grow


    6. Health

    7. My MOM

  2. 1. Emily. (that's my name xD)

    2. Scary. Unknown. Adventure.

    3. No, I'm unhappy with the way my life is going, but I'm young and just hoping that things will go the way I want them to. I'm working as hard as I can, but at the moment, I think I just need to wait for things to slip in to place.

    4. Sometimes, I wish I could tell the world my hopes and dreams, and maybe one or two good people out there would hear, and come to me, and help me. I know there are people out there that I can experience my dreams with, and I dunno, it sounds stupid, but yeah...

    5. I'm going to achieve my dreams and see where it takes me. I don't want to let other people try to change my dreams because they want to make life easier for me. I'm going to do what I love, whether that means risking everything, I want to do it.

    6. Happiness. Friends. Understanding...

    7. My best friend in the whole entire world. I know we're going to be friends forever. We've been through everything you could possibly go through together and she has proven to be such an amazing, kind, understanding person, and sadly we've both had a pretty bad life so far. But still we've lasted. We were both molested for several years as kids, we both moved countries against our will and made no friends and were bullied. I was stalked. Her dad died last year (she's 14) and her mum, to be honest, doesn't really know how to be a mum. But yeah, it's all good.. xD

  3. 1. The computer potato

    2. Boring. Routine. Frustrating. (sounds c**p, dont it?) lol

    3. Not really, there could be a lot more excitement.

    4. Umm...

    5 (lol). To get a book published.

    6. Excitement.

    7. J.K. Rowling, she inspires me :P

  4. 1. Serendipity

    2. work-in-progress

    3. Definitely, though I'm certainly glad that there's still room for change

    4. (There's no number four...)

    5. To become an author

    6. More positive thinking and optimism

    7. My mom--she puts up with all of my ranting that I have, gives me things that I don't thank her for enough, and still loves me despite it all.

  5. 1.  Movie: Wired

    2.  Life in 3 words: unpredictable, risky, redemptive

    3. Contented : Most times, but like all I have discontent

    4. What do you want the world to know about you?  I'm complicated and confusing, even to myself.

    5. What is your number one goal in life?  See what is next...

    6.  Missing in your life?  More money,, power, fame  love, and fortune  but  those are accepted but not realistic at times.  I get what I need, not what I want.   I

    7. If you were to thank one person --  Mother-Father  ( I guess that is two)

  6. ohh,why do u wan't to know about the poll of others life about whom u ..............

              do u get sth by this ???i don't think so however hope it will be interesting.

            take care

  7. 1. Inevtiable Changes

    2. crazy, problem-filles

    3. Yeah, its not like ot could get worse :]

    4. No number 4...

    5. To become a succesful art-dealer

    6. Family

    7. My freinds, they are more like family to me, they are there for you 24/7.


  8. 1. "Going Places"

    2. Calm, peacful, monotonous.

    3. Umm ... not really. I would rather go back to my home country (we just moved to USA from Pakistan)

    4. I want the world to know how much I care about everything, and that my life is worth SOMETHING.

    5. To get a book published.

    6. My best friend back home.

    7. My mom .. for everything .. :)

  9. 1. Heinous Female Dog from Hades? Or Quest of a Woman Driven Mad by Ignorance and Lack of Tolerance for Eccentrics. How to Steal Someone's Mind. A Beautifully, Horrific Mind.

    2. Frustrating. Lovely. Lonely.

    3. Not really, but I don't have the control over it I had imagined I would, especially since I have children to care for and rear - and due to a couple of other factors which are of a private nature.


    5. Survival. That should be everyone's first goal. Baring that, rearing and enjoying my children. Learning.

    6. Sane, mature, well-educated, caring people who are not selfish, hateful, or ignorant? Too many people seems to think they know everything, which just shows that their education was a failure.

    7. My psychiatrist. He taught me:

    My opinions are just as valid as anyone else's.

    I must respect the right of other's to have their own opinions.

    I do not have to respect the opinions themselves.

    These last two work in reverse, too. Others should respect my right to have an opinion, but they don't have to respect my opinion.

  10. 1. Gaining Ground on Dreams

    2. happy, loved, frustrated

    3. home life is amazing, work is frustrating

    4. don't care what the world thinks of me, just my family

    5. to know the world around me and what it holds

    6. knowledge of markets

    7. husband for supporting me in all my pursuits and loving me through it all

  11. 1.  Plateau     2.   Unfulfilled, good, searching  3.  No   4.  That I am talented   5.  To be worry free.    6.  Lack of application  7.   A writer I once knew who showed me how to show creative ability to the real world.

  12. dancing through life

    fun, carefree, hot


    be on broadway

    a better relationship with my boyfriend

    my sister

  13. 1. Trouble

    2.  On my way!

    3. Yes

    4.  That the truth is out there

    5. To be be at peace with all that is around me.

    6. My oldest girl who lives so far away.

    7. My hubby!

  14. 1.  The Suicide's Widow

    2.  Fat and lazy

    3.  More or less; changes day to day.

    4.  She's got brains, and she knows how to use them.

    5.  To be worth the space and resources I have taken up.

    6.  Money

    7.  Steven Joel Holzman (husband #4)

  15. 1. quirk

    2. flirty, laughter, rain-on-a-sunny-day (you know those day's where it's blue skies but thunderstorming?)

    3. h**l yeah!

    4.  i can wiggle my ears.

    5. to be a surgeon. top quality. i want people to know my name, and when they hear it they go, Wow.

    6. love

    7. my grandmother. she died before i knew her but i'm her namesake- Caroline. and apparently we were exactly the same- we both write, had the same personality, look the same... i would thank her for giving me the ability to be inspired by things in everyday life.... turning something small into a miracle.

  16. 1. Journey Through Hardships, Victory At End

    2. Confusing, Determined, Hopeful

    3. In a way yes, in a way no.

    5. To have a personal amazing relationship with Jesus Christ

    6. Sympathy

    7. My mom. I am what I am today because of her.

  17. 1. Nat's Nut House

    2. Going somewhere soon

    3. I wouldnt say I'm contented...but I am grateful for everyday I have

    4. I want the world to know that no matter what they may see of my life from the outside, I really am doing the best to cope with a really bad situation, and I think I am succeeding WITHOUT their opinions!!

    5. To be the best person I can be.

    6. A normal husband/wife relationship.

    7. I would thank my Dad for giving me the gift of keeping my mouth shut and not causing a scene. We are the quiet acheivers him and I!!
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