
POLL: coffee or tea ? ( OR ALCOHOL SECRETLY?)?

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POLL: coffee or tea ? ( OR ALCOHOL SECRETLY?)?




  1. Coffee and Beer in the hot summer days.  But of course when I don't have to drive.

  2. alcohol secretly.

  3. Tea...decaffinated of course...

  4. TEA.

    (english breakfast tea)

  5. Tea (non-herbal)

  6. Coffee (scotch)

  7. coffee..duh lol

  8. coffee

  9. Tea please hot in the winter and iced in the summer.

  10. tea - m&s fairtrade gold

  11. i go through different stages of tea and coffee at the moment im hooked on the Nescafe sachets that froth up like a cuppacino i wish i wasnt as they are not cheap to buy they keep hiking up the price

  12. Teaaaa!

  13. I do not like coffee.  At work, I drink decaffeinated Earl Grey tea all year long.  In the summer, at home, I drink a lot of iced tea mixed with cranberry juice (4:1).  Nestea used to have a decaffeinated mix with sweetener instead of sugar but they don't make it any more.  Boo.  Hiss.

  14. I used to love Coffee but after a friend of mine had heart pains because of coffee i stopped drinking it. I dont drink tea becuase i dont like it and i have never drunk any form of alcohol.

  15. tea

  16. For me, I would have to say tea.  There are different flavors decaffeinated tea, if caffeine is an issue.  Take advantage of the health benefits from tea.

  17. before a used to drink coffee twice a day, i couldnt avoid that but now i reduced it....tea, and earl grey, is so niiice !

  18. coffee and alcohol not together of course though lol and it's no secret

    cause coffee can wake you up, but why be awake if your bored, that's where the alcohol comes in

  19. coffee. life without it would be very...tired

  20. true tea, not the herbals or tisanes.

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