
POLL- did you give birth anywhere near your due date?

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How many weeks were you when you gave birth?





  1. My doc guessed my date perfectly!

    My son born on my due date Feb 17th

  2. With my first I was induced after being a week late...With my second I gave birth the day before my due date!!

  3. I gave birth at 38 weeks.

  4. 39 week 6 days

  5. i was 39 weeks pregnant

  6. I was 37 weeks with both of my children!

  7. I was 35 weeks and 4 days when I had my daughter.

    I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant with my second daughter, and I'm hoping she doesn't come until at least October 1st. (I'm due the 13th).

  8. i gave birth one day b 4 my due date it was supposed to be April 11 but she came April 10

  9. 37 weeks with #1

    41 weeks with #2

    and 36 weeks with #3

  10. my first i was 2 weeks overdue and the day before i was due to be induced my waters broke and i had a gruelling 24 hour labour with no sleep lol. my second was 10 days overdue and i had to be induced. i guess some babies just get too comfy in mommy's tummy

  11. my sister gave birth the ne xt day on her dute day..her daughter was born on june 9, but her due date was june 8

  12. 38wks

  13. Yes, 4 days early with #1.  With #2, I was induced only 2 days before my due date but I was already having small contractions on my own when I went in to get induced.

  14. I was 37 weeks when I had my son. My mom had my brother and I 6 weeks early!  

  15. I gave birth 10 days before my due date

  16. i was 3 days after my due date so 40 wks 3 days.

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