
POLL: for Aussies only?

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Are you on any type of Centrelink payment? I was on Newstart payment and now I am on Disability Support Pension. I often feel I am the only person on Centrelink payments as most people I know work.




  1. Nobody I know in Sydney is on benefits anymore except for some who have been lucky (or unfortunate) enough to able to live with their parents while going through hard times. The rents are astronomical these days! But I know plenty of people in casual and low paid employment who barely make ends meet. They are the working poor and they pay more than 50% of their incomes on rent.

  2. No I'm not.

    In my family there is only 2 members who receive some form of centrelink payment. One is a family allowance for her children.

  3. Yeah I'm on family pension...Actually most people i know are on some payment from centrelink

    Maybe i hang out with alot of deroes though

  4. no

  5. I'm not, but I can name at least 15 people I know that are. You're not alone. Just think of the unemployment rate in Australia. All part of Centrelink.

  6. I have a mate on Centrelink payment, works out he receives less than $3 an hour (in a 24 hour day).

    Sad thing is he receives more money than some of my friends that work...

  7. a disability Pension means you have a problem that makes it hard for you to work or find work i know a lot of people on payments. what i hate is the people that can work that dont i also know people that work with a disability. one friend is deaf and he can read and write and also sign english german and french if he can find a job i think most people with disability can find jobs todo. i think its good for them we should top there pays up if they dont make a lot of money. there is a lot of jobs out there and people are looking for any one to do the work even if its part time. im not trying to have a go at you but maybe you need a job for your self to feel better.

    but only if you can work

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