
POLL: is global warming real???

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I heard it was fake, but I'm not sure. We learned about it in science and stuff but i think it's not true. What do you think???




  1. Is the earth getting warmer lately? Yes. Is it because of humans? I don't think so.

    The earth goes through warming and cooling cycles. We just happen to be in a warming cycle at the moment. (I remember a few years back when "global cooling" was the big concern.)


  2. Well, the ice caps are melting, the ocean is rising, what do you think.

  3. It's not global's global climate change.

    There are more extremes and though it is on average getting warmer. That means one day there might be a record for being cold, and a week later it's a record for being hot.

    How can people say it's not real.

    Just in past few years there have been a rise in:

    landslides because the ice on mountains are melting

    huge glariers have melted away

    Artantica is warmer

    tons more weather extremes

    maple trees for maple surup harvesters have had to discover new harvesting ways

    the polar bears, etc.

    im not a scientist in this and i cant think of much more, but OMG there is only took the average temp to drop 5 degree to creat out ice ages!

    Yeah, it's not totallu our fault though, this is just another chapter in the greet book of earth. I'm kinda interested in what it's going to be like in twenty years. I'm going to have to learn how to hunt, I already have been foraging for food, knowing what I can eat. If our population crashes or something, I'll be ready. Better save then sorry too.

    craby_b has it right:

    Here's a heads up--scientific facts are not decided by opinions, beliefs, or polls as a re political questions. Scientific facts are established by evidence and are NOT subject to your opinion or anyone else's.

    Go t*t? If so, try asking some questions or making suggestions on how to deal with global warming. Otherwise,quit wasting people's time with your "polls."

    look up or watch these documentaries:

    Everything's Cool

    Inconvenient Truth

    I can totally see how people can think it's fake because so many people can get rich off of it and that earth is weird and awesome and does some strange thing, weather we are the cause or not. I think we are speeding it up though. Gloabl Climate Change itn't just a man made thing, it's something that was going to happen some time.

    Greed takes over the world and makes us go made. It turns out the every organic grower doesn't care about the earth at all. Organic foods is another way people get rich. If all the food we ate was organic, we would have to have maybe eight earth to support ourself. There is already a food crisis in the world, we can't risk production, and all the gas, transportation, waste, etc.  that comes from organic farming is overall way worse for the environment. Who would have guessed.

  4. Totally real. Do you have another explanation for all this stuff happening? Ice melting, tornados in December?

  5. Fake. It's a government scare tactic to keep us afraid.

  6. It is as real as the existence of earth. I have seen the ice getting real thin. Looks scary. Unless everyone doesn't do enough on personal level soon enough we'll have no more ice at the poles.

  7. Naturally occuring Global Warming is real, AGW is hogwash!

    Global Warming is occuring on Mars at the very that because we have a secretive human society there as well to emit Carbon Dioxide?

    The Bering Land Bridge became submerged below Sea Level over 10,000years does that coincide with the Industrial Revolution from the 1800s?

    h**l, the Pro-AGW camp doesn't even mention Water Vapor as the main Global Warming Gas.

    Why is it that Global Dimming has been introduced to try and explain why Global Warming estimates keep getting reduced more and more as we gather more data?

  8. Fake.  A money making scam for the inventors and promoters of the theory.  A story to scare children, like every other "end of the world" prediction.

  9. We know from many sources (ice cores, tree rings, fossils, etc.) that the earth has gone through many temperature cycles. Often, we can find out why the earth got hotter or colder by looking at these same items. In the past, there have been meteors, volcanoes, tilting of the earth's axis, splitting of continents, and other reasons for changes in climate.

    Observations and data from many sources indicate that now we are going through another warming trend. When we look for possible causes, the natural possibilities are not found, but we have a new factor, that is, man's activity, that we didn't have before. We do know that when certain gasses build up in the atmosphere there is a cap put on radiation of heat from the earth's surface that causes an increase in the overall temperature of the earth. Since man-made activities, like burning fossil fuel, cause the accumulation of these same gasses, then it's logical to conclude that, to some degree, our actions are contributing to the warming. Some people say that it's not totally from man-made activities. So what? If we know that the earth is warming and that there will be major problems if it continues, then we have to do whatever we can to stop the increase in temperature.

    What will those problems be? Again, we can look at the historical record to see that when the earth heats up that deserts get larger, rainfall drops, animal species go extinct, islands disappear under water, fresh water becomes scarce, etc. All of these things will not allow humans to continue to live as we have before. We can logically expect that, as things get more scarce, there will be wars, starvation, and many will die. To some extent, it has started already. People in Africa are dying by the thousands from not being able to grow enough food. There are many places in the world like the Middle East, Africa, California, Europe, etc. where we are arguing how to use limited water supplies -- and it will get much worse if gloabal warming continues.

    So, regardless if man is the only cause or just one more factor in global warming, we need to do something about it now.

  10. Why do ya think it's not?

  11. Obviously you didn't learn about anything in science--if you'd been paying attention, you'd know global warming is real.

    Here's a heads up--scientific facts are not decided by opinions, beliefs, or polls as a re political questions. Scientific facts are established by evidence and are NOT subject to your opinion or anyone else's.

    Go t*t? If so, try asking some questions or making suggestions on how to deal with global warming. Otherwise,quit wasting people's time with your "polls."

  12. Of course it is real.

    I believe that we have only just scratched the surface with this issue, the major effects of global warming have not yet been felt, and will only really take hold when the inevitable feedback mechanisms - premafrost methane release, melting of the ice caps etc., collapse of the amazon rainforest etc. have started. Volcanoes and wildfires, natural earth events, are just a drop in the ocean compared with burning coal for the past 100 years or so.

    Alot of particles in the atmosphere, from fossil burning, are actually blocking out the sun, in a way that reducing the effect of the warming (global dimming'), although this is effect will not last when will we eventually run out or reduce burning of fossil fuels. read this article extract:

    One of the most compelling proofs that Particulate Polution (Global Dimming) has a restraining effect on Global Warming was carried out during two consequtive days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. Not a single aircraft was permitted to fly over U.S. arispace for two weeks after the 9/11 attacks. During just two days of this period the drop in Particulate Polution (Global Dimming) over the U.S. allowed average temperatures to rise by 2°C above where they would have been if the no-fly ban had not been in place.

    Civilisation as we know it is a timebomb, and the fuse has long been been lit. The governments are only concerned with short term economic growth (''the oil price is too high, I know let's pump more oil to bring the price down')

    We will burn fossil fuels until we run out and there is no more to extract. period. Renewable energy policy will only delay the inevitable global warming, and we are 30 years too late anyway. We should all be driving electric cars and all have solar panels fitted NOW, not starting to develop the technology now!

    If we had started to reduce our dependency on oil in the 1970's, then maybe mankind would have stood a chance.

  13. *Edit* This poll is unnecaserry, it doesn't change anything. If you were suppose to guess the s*x of a rabbit, voting wont determine the gender.

    As far as the poll goes count me as a No. Global warming is happening its just hyped WAY to much.

    But People, People! Global warming IS hapening, but green house gases dont cause it. I have loads of evidence. Now to start off humans preduce very little CO2 comparing to nature. Now every one says that "greenhouse gasas" cause global warming...No not true. Read the entire thing or you will not get my point!

    Heat dose not increase due to CO2!

    Have you ever though oppositly... CO2 is caused by heat, think what abbsorbs CO2...plants, and the heat is killing plants. Now how does nature preduce CO2...many ways first valcanoes! Valcanoes produce an enormes amount of CO2. One big eruption of a valcanoe can produce the same amount of CO2 that factories in Europe AND USA PRODUCE FOR THREE MONTHES!! Also animals including us, produce also farily large ammount by flatuating.  

    An other way nature causes CO2 is by wild fires. Because it is so dry in some parts of the world due to Global Warming, lightining or man can cause a wild fire fairly easly and when wood or whatever is in the forest it burns and that also creat a large amount of CO2... There are many other ways how nature preduces CO2, and heat increases that process.

    P.S. In Al Gore's movie "Inconviniet truth", he shows a graph that shows the past CO2 lvls and the heat temp... And by the way during the "Renincance Warming Period" the CO2 rose with the temp... Did they have factories back then? NO!


    Global warming is not a hoax but, Al Gore, my friends, is... Al Gore is not a scientist... Now what did Al Gore study in school, hmmm... RELIGION!!!.... How many Science classes did Al Gore take... ZERO, thats 0!!.... And now he is telling us that it's the end of the world and telling us that he is a pro scientist's. Al Gore also has a 22 room house where he lives just with his wife in Tennasse AND he also owns a private jet.(By the way my mother trasalated for Al Gore he is a nice guy but he just dose't know anything)

    In the 1940-1970 there was a simaler problem, but people were affraid of somthing quite opposite. Peeps were runing around yelling," O MY GOD! GLOBAL COOLING, THE NEXT ICE AGE IS COMING!!" Now this is true I am not making any of this up, people were scared of global cooling during the 1940-1980 and in matter of fact avvrage temps did decrease. But people were scared of global cooling.

    Now wait a minute... Wasent there a huge war going on? Acctualy 2 wars. There were bombs exploding every day, cities like Tokyo were burining down like h**l, there were 2 neucluer BOMBS dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and many more due to testing, millions of gun shots every day. And what did all of this cause? CO2!!! There was massive CO2 produced while people were worried that the world is going to end due to global cooling.

    --------------------->>>>>>The Real Cause of Global Warming

    Okay.... the answer is Sun Radiation. Now we know that you can look at past tempatures by taking ice cores and annalysing them, and if you look at the past temps since 450,000 years there is a pattern. Its hard to describe it I cant find the righ graph.There is a pattern do there have been 5 Huge "spikes" since 450,000 years then a sudden drop and then a slow decrease. And when I mean "spikes" I mean big and suden tempature increases(I mean suden by 5,000 year period). since human's have emerged there have been 2 "spikes". But since civilazation (thats about 4,000 years ago) we were in the middle of the 2nd spike that was climbing up. But were are we now? were on the peak of the 2nd "spike"and when we are on the peak we will drop for the next 6,000 years or so acooriding to the graph I have.

    But how or why are there big "spikes"? Well The sun is an atomic bomb and it explodes. So when it explodes it burns intencly for 5,000 years or so that's why there are suden increase.

    To find out more info buy a book called Why Geography Matters by Harm de Blij. Its complicated to describe the cause.

  14. A natural deduction from you question might be that you live somewhere in the Northern Eastern region?.  Because if you were in California, Any Southern State or even the Beltway you would not even be saying this question.

  15. For some reason, Scientists don't seem to believe in GOD, or His power.

    Mt.St.Helens "sneezed" 20-some years ago. In doing so IT did more damage on THAT day, than mankind could EVER do in our entire existence!!! If you LOOK at Mt.St.Helens today, you will see LIFE all over the place. Nature is stronger than mankind. WE can adapt to nature, but WE CANNOT control it!!

    GOD put this whole "thing" together. Do you think,in HIS foreknowledge, HE would let US s***w it up!?!??

    BTW- How many OTHER volcanic eruptions have there been over the ages? I'm sure THEY were just as "bad", if not "worse". Does anybody actually "think" anymore?

  16. That the earth is, overall, getting warmer in the last few decades is a fact which is easy to show and prove. However, it is unclear if the cause is a natural temperature oscillation or due to man's activities.

  17. Yes it is real.  So is Global Cooling.  Like everything global temperatures fluctuate.  The Earth started as an molten planet.  It cooled off solidified and froze over. It then warmed up again, and froze over again. All this happened billions of years before any life existed here.  The idea that Earth is currently warming is correct.  However the cause of the warming is not.  Over the course of history the atmosphere has had fluctuating levels of CO2.  The last Ice Age occured during one of those periods of extremely high CO2 levels.  The premise that CO2 causes a rise in global temperatures is inconsistent with historical fact.  The average temp will rise then it will fall.  It's called a cycle and it will continue for billions of years.

  18. Its true dude

    believe it

  19. Real

  20. Yes, it's called the weather.  The DELUSION that humans control > 50% of the variation in the climate is (apparently) a serious mental disorder for some individuals.

    Learn to recognize the wide eyes and strained voice of  AGW madmen and stay away from them.

  21. Fake, The planet is always changing and there is nothing man can do to stop it. Tree hugger are trying to make profits out of peoples fears.

  22. The cause and consequences are greatly exaggerated by a few to push a political cause and some even think they are saving the world.

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