
POLL: is pornographt degrading to women?

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POLL: is pornographt degrading to women?




  1. I'm a girl and a little bit of a feminist actually.. but I am not offended by pornography at all. I don't think its degrading because p**n comes in many shapes/styles/fetishes.. so if one wants to sit down and watch a fantasy, so be it.

  2. It's degrading to there selves.

  3. Only if the women are forced into in most cases in modern  These women are free to make their own choice.  I am not sure why we fought so long to do what we want only for some of those choices to be "degrading".  If you give people equal opportunity you cannot choose which opportunities are okay and which ones are not.

  4. Yes.  Men who watch pornography regularly are more likely to view all attractive or decent-looking females as s*x objects, and they are also more likely to not have respect for women in general.  Men who don't watch pornography are more likely to respect women and view women as people.  Which is more important here--the individual rights of the p**n actors/actresses to make p**n, and the individual rights of consumers to buy it--or the massive improvement in society and the way men view women that would result if there were no more p**n?  

    Sometimes I wonder.

  5. I don't believe it is a black and white issue. To some, yes and to others no. As it is for men as well. Having lived is one of the p**n capitals of the world, I can assure you that the men in these films have just as many issues and problems as the women do.

  6. It's no more degrading to the women as it is to the men!

  7. It is degrading to both men and women but a lot of unprincipled schemers make a lot of money out of it.

    Porno, prostitution, gambling, and extortion, they are all born out of gangsterism.

  8. yes

  9. Simply

  10. not most but some women i'm sure!

    Look it's their choice to be in the film or not!

  11. both yes and no, depending on the factors.

    most people of both genders enjoy seeing representations of s*x and sexual simulations, and genuine sexual excitement. the dividing line where sexual imagery becomes degrading is when participants have had their humanity and choices removed, either economically or via the quantity of dehumanized images.

    overwhelmingly female participants in s*x work are not economically empowered, and are exploited by the system in which they work. also, the majority of mainstream p**n reduces women's value to the appeal and availability of specific body parts, and a specific look (blonde w***e). finally, most women in p**n are depicted as objectified and easily being coerced into s*x by men (the no means yes fantasy, reflected at its worst by rape). is constant bombardment of images of women forced into sexual acts teaching men and women respect and understanding of women?

    none of any of these (or other) factors can answer your question on their own; one has to look at the industry, the homogeneity of images, the effects on society and individuals, and make up one's own mind, as this is not a simple issue. another question you might ask yourself, is whether pornography and erotica are the same for women.

  12. No, it's good fun to watch.

    It's not so good for the camera man though, poor guy not getting in on the action.

  13. depends on how the woman takes it.

    She can feel violated because she is made to look like a toy or an object of the desires of perverted men.

    On the other hand, she can accept the fact that she IS a toy and use that knowledge to overpower men. =P

  14. "Women" themselves are degrading to women.

    If women didn't want to be in pornography then they wouldn't be in it. And if other women coped with that idea then they wouldn't be complaining.

  15. YES how would u like it if sum1 posted u naked on the web, hmmm?

  16. Yes.

  17. It depends on the p**n you are referring to.  There is some p**n which is meant as degradation and humiliation to women.  The actresses in these movies are degraded and humiliated on tape, rather than giving the illusion of humiliation and degradation.  I find these offensive.  But this is a small section of the p**n industry.  Under most circumstances, it's the women who have all the rights and the men have few.  Women can choose the type of p**n they do.  They can choose the actors they work with.  They can choose the directors they work with.  Men just have to do their job.  If they can't get it up, well they have to find a way or they're out of the business.  Women have all the power.  Would you call this degrading, or empowering?

  18. no i dont think its necessarily just would bother me if my bf were to watch it all the time.

  19. Not unless she's been coerced into doing it. Some of the self promoters make mint off Internet p**n showing their own fluffs to the world.

    Also, the tone of the p**n can be degrading or not. Whenever I see the word '****' I wonder about the mental state of the males who write the stuff that goes with the photos.

  20. No ****. isn't it obvious?

    And to those of you who consider only the women involved in the making of pornography, consider that next time a man gives you the same look he'd give a rump steak.

    Our values are moulded in part by what we permit and experience. The experience of s*x as portrayed in pornography is shallow, false and worthless. If s*x really is such, then why do we otherwise value it so highly?

    s*x is integral to our identity and our lives. Debase it at your risk - and if you wish to do so, move to somewhere where your muck will not foul our world.

  21. NO. Degrading means something that you don't want to do which makles you feel shameful asn embarassed. p**n stars are getting paid to do work that they like.

  22. To women in general ? No.

    To the women involved... Perhaps.

  23. I would say that the majority of women in the p*rn industry do it willingly and in order to earn good money, certainly those working for the established professional companies.

    I would also say that almost all of the movies are produced with men as the target audience.  With DVD shops and the internet, the p*rn industry makes a phenomenal amount of money each year - from the pockets of men.

    If one of the sexes is being exploited it is men and their desperation to see a naked lady or explore their fantasies!

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