
POLL question--Is John Edwards sorry for the affair or sorry he got caught?

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I personally think he's sorry he got caught--just wanting to see what others personal views on the subject are.




  1. he's not sorry about anything:0

  2. What do you think-They are always sorry about getting caught with there hand in the cookie jar

  3. His s*x life is none of the public's business.  It is between him and his wife.

  4. Sorry he got caught.  If a person was sorry for an affair, he wouldn't

    engage in one.  

  5. he is probably sorry he got caught.  he is so hot though

  6. He could have been Vice President of the United States of America...but he just had to get laid.

  7. sorry he got would have been  a bit better if he had been honest...and not tried to deny it because some of the facts werent correct...

  8. If he is like most normal men, he is sorry he got caught.  

  9. Of course, when an indiscretion is made public, embarrassment ensues. Then comes the time for others to forgive the individual. That's the way it has always been.  

  10. h**l no! I am not a crook and am not that baby's daddy. The blonde s***k is lying. I was there two weeks ago getting what I paid for and those d**n reporters tricked me. Dang it, leave me alone. I am not a liar, trust me.  

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