
POLL:When you interact with people from your past that you didn't like b/c they teased/picked on you do you...?

by  |  earlier

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Forgive and forget or keep them out of your life?

I'm just wondering...not referring to a particular event in my life or anything

(I'm talking about people from like high school/middle school, etc.)




  1. well at my high school, theres 2 girls from my old school that did not like me, so i dont give a c**p really and i just avoid them.

  2. I only have a few people in my life from the past and they are the people that I love and trust.  

  3. I avoid everyone I once knew like the freakin' plague.

    Although, some time ago I ran into a kid who got nearly the entire football team to try and beat me and my friends up. He apologized and bought us drinks. We laughed about it.

  4. They get a clean slate. Growing up is not easy for anyone and we've all done things we're not proud of (or at least shouldn't be proud of).

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