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  1. Popeyes Chicken in Philly, PA.

    Im from Putnam, CT, and my family was on its way back from North Carolina for my brothers wedding, and we happened to be passing through Philly. So we decided to check this new place to eat out. Popeyes. DONT ever go to that place!

    If your white, they look at you like they wanna kill you, and they spit in my fu*king food! I had done nothing wrong to deserve that. As far as im concerned, fu*k black people, rap music, and popeyes!

  2. McDonalds. Destroying America One Big Mac At a Time.

  3. I'd say... Uh. Well, it depends what item you get from the fastfood restaurant. Like, that "Supersize Me" guy ate at McDonalds as worst as he possibly could, already knowing there would be no benefit. He could have at least tried the fudgin salad.

  4. Hardee's!

  5. Hardee's

  6. KFC and McDonalds

  7. In my opinion, the worst fast food restaurant is Taco Bell.


  9. White Castle or Crystal (I think it might be owned by White Castle)

    Sickning!!! I used to LOVE white castle years ago, but they got really crappy. The burger chain "Cryastal" never stood a change. Bluck!!

  10. A&W  Burgers are really greasy

  11. McDonalds...ick! Their burgers are gray! GRAY!

  12. Taco Bell! Gross!

  13. Hardee's

    Last few times I've been to Hardee's their hamburgers looked as if they were taken out of the freezer and placed in the microwave.

    I gave them another chance when I learned about their prime rib burger only to be even more disappointed!

  14. Arbys

  15. McDonald's DEFINITELY.

    i don't like White Castle either.

  16. White Castle which has their burgers fried in Onion and Grease. You tell them no onion and when they are done cooking the burgers tastes like Onion. I want to gag. I gave some to my Bulldog and he didn't like them either. That is bad

  17. mcd"s. that was  easy thank"s

  18. Papa John's pizza and Dominoes pizza

  19. Sonics. It looks good but makes me sick.

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