
POLL:do u have curly or straight hair? ?

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POLL:do u have curly or straight hair? ?




  1. curly....its more of a frizzy ball of knots though...i straighten it every day! lol

  2. ringlets

  3. Ridiculous, crazy, curls.

  4. i have pin straight hair!!  

  5. curly

  6. somewhere in the middle--it's wavy and frizzy!

  7. It curls at the bottom naturally. But then when i brush it it's wavy, but eventually curls a little again.

  8. My hair is curly yet kinda wavy it really depends on the day.  

  9. its curly when its longer but straight when its shorter

  10. curly~

  11. curly curls!!! bouncy, spiral curls

  12. straight if its not raining (But in Scotland it rains a lot lol)

  13. i had curly then gotta perm so naturally its curly

  14. My hair is so straight!

  15. i have staight hair i dont realy like curly hair that much i used to have curly hair as a baby and then as i grew it got straghter and straighter and now i have curly hair !!! i hope more people answer your qustion !! :]

  16. Curly...Though currently, I have straight hair(I straightened my hair, yesterday.)

  17. straight!

  18. Wavy;...

  19. my hair is naturally curly, but i usually straighten it:)

  20. nicee and straight =)

  21. straight

  22. Curly. I have two hair types on my head [types 3&4] its crazy!

  23. I have naturally curly hair....and there are days when I love it and days when I hate it(usually when it humid)!!!!

  24. Straight hair.

    So easy to manage!!

  25. Natural ringlets lol

  26. um well if i run my hands through it when i get out of the shower and add a little product and let it air dry, its really pretty natural curls , like swirls.

    if i blow dry it and leave it its wavy and kinda puffy :/

    and if i blow dry and straighten it ,

    it gets a mixture of both curly and straight.

  27. curly curly curls!!! bouncy curly curls!

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