
POP QUIZ! for all you people who think you know it all hhahah

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  1. Chromosomes are thread-like strands of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that carry the genes and transmit heredity information. A human being normally has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in all but the s*x cells. Half of each chromosomal pair is inherited from the mother's egg; the other half, from the father's sperm. When the sperm and egg unite in fertilization, they create a single cell, or zygote, with 46 chromosomes. When cell division occurs (called mitosis), the 46 chromosomes are duplicated. This process is repeated billions of times over, with each of the cells containing the identical set of chromosomes.

    Only the gametes, or s*x cells, are different. In their cell division (called meiosis), the members of each pair of chromosomes are separated and distributed to different cells. Each gamete has only 23 chromosomes.

  2. I never paid attention in Biology. I remember something about 23 or 46 chromosomes though.

  3. 23! HA!

  4. Muscle and cheek cells are both somatic cells, with the diploid number of chromosomes = 46. Gametes are haploid, so their number is 23.


    Thanks for the great question :)

  5. 23

  6. 46

  7. 46?

  8. 46 (23 pairs)

    P.S. How many actually KNEW the answer, or looked it up and claimed to know?  Hmm?  I'm not gonna lie, I had to look it up.  I'm 28 and not a scientist, why would I brand that in my memory....fakes! lol

  9. a total of 46 chromosomes in a healthy body cell, but in a healthy s*x cell there are a total number of 23 chromosomes

  10. i bet everyone is throwing 23pairs like they know it all but truthfully i know i dont know at all, shamfully i learned this about 2yrs ago and forgot. I suck at science

  11. Definitely 2...2 points for me, that is!

  12. kagillions... now whats my prize? ........... 10 points? what a rip-off

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