
POSTiVE PREGNANCY.* (1st baby ; symptoms im not sure if are okay advice?) mothers .. mothers 2 be <3?

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i found out i was pregnant four days aqo since thats when i

missed my period..took five pregnancy test all POSITIVE [=

veryyy happyyy. but since im new to this.. and im 18.. [yes i know

what people are going to say im to young... blah blah okay]

im 4 or 5 weeks pregnant i believe since my last period was 7/31/08

ive been havinq..

-on and off cramps.. in my lower stomach.. not to painful

jus feel like period cramps.. no bleeding.. or spotting at all

- having alittle bit of a vaginal discharge.. white..

-back pains.. not to pain ful [like period symptoms.. like i feel

like im on my period but obvs. im not]

normal ?

are the cramps somethinq i should worry about

cause i am.. since thats a miscarriage symptom

as well.. very scared. but some girls told me its

okay its jus my uterus expanding.. waht do you think

did this happen to you,





  1. dont stress make your dr. apt asap.

    as long as there is no blood you are not miscarry-ing

    good luck , congrats! :)

  2. Congrats. I am 20 so what? I love my baby and nobody cant judge me other then God and He blessed me w this baby so.....Hi haters!

    the cramping feeling its very normal. Its your stomach(utereus) expanding making room for your beautiful angel....I wont recomend to go to planned parenthood for your prenatal care. I was a regular at planned parenthood prior to getting pregnant but its best to go a hospital or find a  local ob that delivers at the closest hospital. Trust its a lot better to go where many other pregnant women go then going to planned parenthood where the waiting area is full of teens.

    Good luck w everything. Dont stress,eat healthy and take care of your self.oxoxoxo

  3. It sounds about normal, if I&#039;m speaking from my own experience to be honest.

    Sounds like what I went through at around that stage, I also got really paranoid about every little niggle too! That&#039;s also normal.

    If it gets unbearable, do contact your doctor though.

  4. Oh, the joys of motherhood.  You are just starting to experience the first trimester symptoms.  The cramps are more than likely your uterus expanding.  If you have any spotting, call your doctor.  And back pains!  Normal, horrible, but normal.  

  5. your uterus is spanding!!!

    totally normal!!!

    you should get the &quot;what to expect when you are expecting&quot; its really usefull and good thing is, you dont have to read it all, just the things you have doubts and all... it really helps me and avoids me calling the doctor every single day! :)....

    congratulations on your baby!

    now take care and eat healthy!

  6. its normal it is your uterus streching to accomodate the baby. Im not sure if planned parenthood gives prenatals but you can buy them over the counter in any pharmacy. Good luck and congrats.  

  7. Yes it happened to me. Like you said, its just your uterus expanding. ITs when your bleeding as much as or more as your period that you have to worry. Even then theres nothing they can do to stop a miscarriage. They just tell you to elevate your feet... stupid huh.    

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