
POW & land survival training?

by Guest59488  |  earlier

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I am looking into being a loadmaster in the Air Guard. I know it consists of extensive training that includes land, POW, and water training. My recruiter said that I will learn how to survive through the classroom first, but then I will be dropped off in WA state and expected to use my surroundings as resources. She told me that when I am dropped off I will get a live bunny & if I am hungry enough, the idea is to kill & eat it. Just when I think I am being rescued, I am captured and will be put into a small box w/a small can to relieve my self in. She couldn't give any better details & couldn't tell me what exactly it consists of because she hadn't personally gone through it. Anyone actually been through this training & can you tell me what to expect? (Specifically land and POW survival)




  1. Just pay close attention to your SERE instructors in both the survival and resistance portions. They will tell you everything that you will need to know to successfully complete the course. When you get to the resistance/POW portion just keep your bearing, keep faith with your fellow POWs and do your best to remember what they taught you about resistance. Just know that as a girl they are going to make sure that you are able so withstand the extra dangers that females encounter in real prisoner situations. Nothing graphic but they will test your mental fortitude and resolve. They mostly want to see that you are able to keep your wits and apply the techniques for resistance/survival that they teach you in the academic portions. Good luck. Oh by the way, if you look like the most soft-hearted in your survival group they will usually make you kill the cute little bunny. Our SERE instructor skinned it afterwards and wore it around as a joke!

  2. Better ask the people who are already in the unit you want to join.  Never heard of escape and evasion training for the guard or for a loadmaster.

  3. just search (SERE). This is a military training and your recruiter has told you quite a bit. When you do this search it won't tell you everything. I will tell you it was the best training that I ever recieved. Most people won't share what happens because that is part of the course. Sorry there isn't more info out there. Scary part is it is training for if the worst thing happens to you and you crew behind enemy lines.

  4. Famos lines from my SERE instructor "make sure to kill the rabit before you eat it!" and I know they wouldn't have said that if some brain surgeon hadn't tried eating a live rabit in the past. Seriously SERE is one of the if not the most physically and mentally demanding courses the military offers like other have said listen to your instructors durring trainign classes and rely on your fellow POW's and you will be ok. They don't expect you to be Rambo but you will know what they wan't pretty qick. Good Luck

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