
POll: How soon after your baby born did you return to work?

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POll: How soon after your baby born did you return to work?




  1. 9 short weeks unfortunately... i am the breadwinner and i stayed home as long as i could but i had to go back.... boo...

  2. My son was 14 months old...i planned on staying home until he was 2 or older...but I got an awesome work offer that I could not pass up..he loves his daycare & his little friends!

  3. I went back to work 3 weeks after having my first child and about 2 weeks after my second.  

  4. First Child - 3 months

    Second Child - 1 year

    Expecting a third - may not return at all!  :)

  5. 2 months unfortunately!

  6. I went back to work right at 12 weeks and I hated every second of it! Then I later quit my job.  

  7. ruby is 14 months and i have not yet returned to work. if we can manage, i will stay home until she starts school or everyday preschool.

  8. In Canada we get 1 year on maternity leave with at least 60% of your salary, but I decided not to go back. She's not 14 months and I'm expecting second one. I should have gone back to collect maternity leave again. I would have need to work for about 4 months to collect again. Grrr...

  9. 6 weeks.  A doctor will not give you clearance to go back to work until 6 weeks.  In the state of Illinois, it is illegal to go back to work without a doctor's clearance.

  10. Almost 4 months

  11. My daughter is 20 months, and I have yet to return to work. I don't plan too until I am done having children, and they are all in school.

  12. My son is 6 months old and I still haven't gone back to work.  And I don't plan to..... unless I have to for finical reasons.  I would like to stay home with him until he starts preschool or kindergarten.

  13. 12 weeks

  14. 6 weeks, and I wasnt happy going back but I had to!

  15. 1st one - 4yrs

    2nd one - 2yrs

    3rd one - 2yrs

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