
PPL Does anyone beleive that you can move things wiht your mind (telekinesis)?

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im curious to know im trying to learn the process of it but i dont know if it will work, but for some reason i think i have the abilty to do it ,even though i never done it!!!! does anyone beleive in it?????




  1. I have provided you some links below to the scientific research literature on psychokinesis (PK) (what telekinesis is now called).

    Plus a link to Nina Kulagina of the former Soviet Union. None of her abilities have EVER been replicated by magicians under the same conditions of her (a controlled lab setting and under observation by scientist).

    The more you know...


  2. YES, you need it now!

  3. absolutely i do believe. what makes you think you have this ability? just a gut feeling?

  4. Well, I move stuff with my mind all the time.  

    Very simple process.  

    Dicide to move something with your mind.  

    Concentrate REALLY hard.  

    Use yu mind to move your body, and have your body move the object!

  5. A lot of really really silly answers here.

    The reality is that no-one has ever, ever, been able to

    demonstrate any telekinetic abilities whatsoever - not on large objects, not on small objects, not on human beings.


  6. You can't literally move things with your mind, but our brains produce a low intensity electric signal that may interfere with our surroundings..

  7. once in a while, you probably can

  8. The answer is yes.Many people believe it's possible.Usually it's the gullible and easily tricked.

  9. Sorta. They have indeed created a device that you place on your head that reads your brain activity and is hooked up to a playstation console and moves your character by thought.

    I do wish you luck with that. Concentrate on vibrations and just the right frequency as I do know that there are theories Monks have lifted stones of great weight to great heights with sound.

  10. I've heard that this is not possible..BUT...I wonder how people can control people's bodies...make them fall backwards..or stop where they want them to etc. If they can do this..why not silverware etc?

  11. Mind over matter is only a dream of mankind.

    It is not practical in life

    But you can do some demonstration by learning magic tricks from a magician

  12. Yes, some do. But the world is still waiting for someone to actually demonstrate this, and I'm not holding my breath. As far as I can tell, the best that the paranormal world has to offer is old grainy video of a Russian woman doing standard magic tricks using magnets or a thin thread tied to her shoe. It's funny that some people are gullible enough to find this compelling!

  13. I don't think so.  I think that telekinesis is only possible to occur in comic books such as X-MEN.  I doubt that you can move objects with your mind in real life.

  14. You are mental if you think you'll be able to accomplish telekinesis.

  15. I was curious myself, so one day I was staring at a penny on a table and concentrating really hard, unfortunately I couldn't continue the experiment because I was distracted by my draperies bursting into flames. So nope, didn't work for me.

  16. i was so angry one day, that whislt i was watching tv all these angry thoughts that were in my head blew up my tv. true story, but its up to you if ya wanna believe it.

  17. Yes, a lot of people believe it.

    It's never been prooven except with tricks, televisions and mirrors.

  18. Based on evidence and experience I must say that I am not able to believe material things can be moved by the force of will alone.

    I have seen many people claim this is possible.  However, I don't think this is anything more than wishful thinking on their part because not one single person has ever demonstrated this ability in a controlled environment.

    So why do people claim something can be done but are unable to do it themselves or provide evidence that it can be done?  The only conclusion I can draw from this is that it *hasn't* been done.

    I would be happy to amend my position on PK if anyone ever cares to demonstrate this ability.

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