
PPL against the 10 Commandments?

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Which is your favourite? Which is your own choice? Obviously the words as written offend you, so are you pro-killing or stealing? With your answers answer this

What is your favourite part of being stabbed in the face?

Why don't you miss your VCR?




  1. I enjoy hearing believers taking lord name in vain (using god, or jesus as substitute curse words). I'm against the bibles insistence that people be taken to the edge of the village and murdered by having rocks thrown at them for doing so.

    I also like suffering witches to live, in principal, since magic isn't real and witches are no more real than the loch ness monster. Also I like not killing people who are accused of being witches per the biblical instructions.

    I also like not honoring my fathers racism and my mothers racism and general intellectual vapidness, I'm glad they aren't allowed to take me to the edge of the village and murder me by having the villagers throw rocks at me as the bible instructs because I'm 'disobedient'.

    All and all I like the fact that my country's legal codes are based on the legal codes of civilized people like the romans' whose civil code we use and anglo/saxons' whose common law we use rather than the barbarous isrealite legal code that would have us behaving like pakistani hillbillies.

    "What is your favourite part of being stabbed in the face?

    Why don't you miss your VCR?"

    You can always tell when someone is a follower of the 'prince of peace' they enjoy indulging violent fantasies about people who don't agree with them. That and their tiresome interest in material gain.

    And they wonder why we don't like their ceaseless efforts to insinuate their hateful ideology into the workings of government. Tsk tsk.

  2. Huh?

  3. ok... didnt entirely get that.

    Well, I am against SOME of the commandments. I dont actually know all of them... lol. of course im not for killing or stealing, are you really THAT narrow minded??? just because we dont believe in your holy god doesnt mean we are evil people. but for example, using gods name in vain... why should anyone care? you might as well say no swearing (do YOU do that?).

  4. There are no "Ten Commandments", or at least no consistent ten rules in the bible.  What many (apparently "unbibled") Christians call the 10 Commandments depends on whether they are looking at Exodus or Genesis, or whether they believe Christ when He "lists" them, but only has six!

  5. As usual, you as a supporter of the 10 don't know how to read the rest of the Bible.

  6. The Tenth Commandment on the surface seems solid "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's." Unfortunately this verse was originally written saying do not covet your neighbor's slave.  This verse is against coveting but not against slavery.  Not good.

    Lexicon: 'amah  (aw-maw')  a female slave.  

  7. Well, the ones that condemn what amounts to thoughtcrime bug me to no end.

  8. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me," Exodus 20:5

    Take THAT grandchildren!  Guess I was screwed from the start.

  9. Because we are no longer under law but under grace, rather through those commands we see our sin, and then we repent and believe. We have two commands which sum up those ten, Love the Lord thy Gof with all thy heart, with all thy soul and with all thy might, the son of the first 4 commands and Love thy neighbour as thyself, the sum of the final six. Know that righteousness does not come from the law but from faith. Love to God is obeying His commands, and He now commands us to believe on his son and to live as Christians, as disciples of Christ our Lord, our God and our Saviour..

  10. People aren't "against" them Sparky.   They're against religion being inserted into the state.

    As far as a moral code tho?  Leaves a lot to be desired.  The worst one is that kids have to honor their parents, while leaving out the parents obligation to the children.

  11. I don't find that statement particularly offensive because it would never escalate to the point where the majority of people would agree. Judeo-Christian morality have been the basis of many of our laws and ethical issues since the creation of western society. I would find it rather puzzling to hear an otherwise regular person say they were against the 10 commandments in this day and age. They would be isolated.

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