

by Guest33297  |  earlier

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Or was it the many months of therapy? HELP!!




  1. Now if you say "praise the lord I can pull myself away from Yahoo Answers!" then I'll believe it... lol

  2. Ha ha well I'd like to hear your story. You can walk now? Was there an accident? God works through natural means. Thank Him. And your therapists.  :)

  3. Attribute it to whatever you choose.

    You can even believe it's a "miracle" if you so choose!

  4. Maybe it is the wonders of God, working through all of those people who chose to do God's work in physical therapy, rather than make billions on the stock market.

  5. Congratulations. You are a mortal with strong will power.

    You better not have prayed or this kick in the christians' balls will lose its credibility.

  6. Praise the Lord!

    God caused you to walk, 'using therapy'

    But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.

    Exodus 9:16

    Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.

    Proverbs 19:21  

  7. Both! I'm happy for ya!  

  8. God reveals Himself through miracles. How can those who have never trusted Him and experienced His wonderful ways know and appreciate His love and His power. But a day comes in everybody's life when the truth is revealed.  

  9. Well duh, when you step on an atheist's foot, you're rewarded!!!  You hit the lotto if you can step on the foot of an atheist who is on his deathbed.  

  10. So can I. I was born this way.

  11. WALK, TIMMAH!!  

    Sorry, having a Southpark moment...

  12. Keep praying my friend!

    Anything you ask God to do through Jesus Christ ..He will do...but only if YOU truly believe it and consider it as done when you ask!

    Praise our Lord Christ Jesus!

  13. Praise the Great Physician, the Master healer, Jesus Christ.

    You can walk!!

  14. Mind over matter.

  15. you forgot your doctor, and therapist or nurse

  16. Praise the loard!

    This person can walk!

    Now you caen seea the power of the great loarda!

    Let us say amen for this miracle!


  17. Therapy and willpower.  

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